Disgusting ignorant "analysis" of the FGC's "highly problematic player culture" from MIT

Are all women you know 5’1" sub 100 pound babies? Is that where this hilariously ironic viewpoint stems from? The only people that think women can’t defend themselves are delusional white knights that believe a woman is completely unable to take precautions to defend herself or fend off an attacker, since they measure their ability to defend themselves on stature and strength. Protip: I know plenty of men AND women that are barely pushing 5’4" that could no doubt kick your ass, much in the same way somebody that is 7 foot tall isn’t going to be an adept fighter just because of their size. Anybody with even a shred of knowledge on the subject knows size doesn’t instantly translate to fighting ability, but in your fantasy world, all women are dainty, physically sick deer-like creatures that snap in half under the pressure of a man patting them on the back.

Then again, you’re the same type of person that would chastise a man for pushing a woman over for trying to claw his eyes out, so your views on things like this don’t really exist in the realm of reality.

No. There’s people (men and women) with different character, people less assertive that evade conflict or are timid enough to “defend” themselves. And they shouldn’t be blamed. They should be respected.

As for Miranda, she was hurt, scared, and freaked out, I doubt she’s accustomed to be sexually harassed all day or at least once in her life. You have no idea what happened by her mind, she probably thought he was going to rape her or try to oppose resistance, punching him? He could have strangled right in that moment!

Mancub you disgust me.

To be fair, it’s been pretty easy to misinterpret a lot of the posts on the Aris/Miranda subject, since a lot of them focus on blaming Miranda. I understand thinking it’s not necessary to reiterate what Aris did wrong, since it’s already been mentioned, but that can make the post appear to lay the blame primarily or even solely on Miranda. My entire argument with Mancub was based on me having the impression that he was saying Aris did nothing wrong. I’m not trying to put words in anybody’s mouth, just saying it’s easy to make the wrong inference because of the way stuff was phrased.

As far as I can tell, this isn’t about fighting games anymore. Lots of it is about Aris and whether his behavior, which probably would have gotten him fired or written up in a work environment, was kosher or not.

The discussion might be interesting, but this doesn’t seem like the place for it.

He didn’t say ‘some women can’t protect themselves’ he said WOMEN can’t protect themselves which is objectively wrong. But in that some vein, if you’re unable to protect yourself you shouldn’t be putting yourself in situations where physical contact is inevitable, shit like slapping somebody or being verbally abrasive. That’s not victim blaming, it’s idiot blaming. If a woman is a whole foot shorter than me (which most are) and don’t work out or have any martial arts training, then they pick a fight with me, who is the idiot? Since I know the answer you’re likely going to deliver, here is the same situation using blu’s retarded analogy before: If I walked up to Mike Tyson, screamed at him, started spitting at him and provoking a fight until he strikes me; who is at fault? Remember, I’m the victim so you can’t blame me. Now, in saying that, since context and comprehension of things isn’t a common trait here, I’ll continue filling in the blanks that you likely won’t be able to yourself.

If somebody gets mugged, it isn’t the victims fault.
If somebody gets raped, it isn’t the victims fault.
If somebody gets into an altercation because they were being mouthy, both parties are at fault, despite one of them getting the short end of the stick most likely.
If somebody gets ridiculously drunk with somebody else and they fuck, both parties are at fault, despite one of them likely being embarrassed because of what transpired.

The stupidity of victim blaming and people that enable the mindset is that you’re saying people shouldn’t take measures to prevent things from happening in the first place. I don’t weld without gloves, I don’t use a chainsaw without a mask and I certainly don’t pry meat from the pan with my barehands, because it’s needless risk. While that is precaution, sometimes you can’t help but get in unfavorable positions, like with Aris and Miranda, but that isn’t to say that you should just go OH WELL and flop down as soon as you’re there. What I was personally saying, all throughout the thread, was that once she was in this situation, she handled it stupidly and did nothing to actively stop it from proceeding. You can say she said ‘nooo’ (amidst giggles, I may add) and call it a day, but by removing the gray shades you make it a simply black and white situation.

Removing all shades of gray presents the Aris situation as this:

Aris made jokes about her body, she left the show.

Maintaining those shades of gray (context and common sense):

Aris made jokes on the same scale as practically every other joke he makes at somebody else’s expense, including men that came to the show. Miranda laughed and acted receptively to the humor instead of stopping the situation dead in its tracks with a stern warning or explanation. Miranda isn’t at fault for Aris making the jokes, but she is at fault for continuing to play along with them and not stomping shit out before it got out of hand. I’m not blaming her for having jokes directed at her to begin with, I’m saying (and have been saying since the start) that she went about stopping shit in the completely wrong fashion and thus let it go on far longer than it needed to.

So with that said, if you still can’t grasp my position by this point, you never will. Feel free to maintain the opinion that women are inferior creatures that require your shelter and constant supervision, but I won’t, simply because I refuse to treat adults like children or invalids.

Lol, didn’t u get ur ass kicked cause of that?

When I was younger, a couple of kids TRIED to kick my ass because of it, then again that was in the first year of highschool. So now I’m trying to decide what is the more hilarious outcome of this for you: having a minority opinion, or that your opinion is only shared, at large, by people that haven’t gone through full, adult mental development.

But you omit the part when she said “No”. Repeatedly. “No” is “NO”.

Yet you omit the part where she was laughing in nearly every case of her saying it. It’s funny that even in the video specifically made to cherry pick these situations, there are very instances where she communicated her objections where it wasn’t among a haze of laughter or non-serious tone.

Context is a hard concept for you to grasp, evidently. Anyway, this lack of tangible resistance is making my inner rape enabler antsy. I’m done trying to dumb down explanations for people intent on blocking their ears. Good luck with the paladin schtick, mate.

I’m gonna regret getting into this

In many instances men took the role of hunter/gatherer because they were disposable. You need only one man to continue on a tribe. You need plenty of women. The idea of men being the provider for the household only really developed when we moved away from being a collection of societies primarily farming crops, and moved to one built around the marketplace in the middle of the nineteenth century, with different ‘social spheres’ for men and women. Yeah in nobility men took dominance, but women were mainly still allowed to rule by blood.

Oh and oppression of blacks by whites? A lot of that was ‘backed up’ by Darwinian theory - bullshit like Phrenology was used to justify theorising that people of different skin colours were of a lower standing than Caucasians, and then using Christianity as a ‘civilising’ force for ‘good’.

I don’t really know if I’d call phrenology “Darwinian theory.”

Actually, I do know. I would not call phrenology “Darwinian theory.”

It’s not, what I mean is that they used shit like Phrenology to show differences between ‘us and them’, then used Survival of the Fittest to say they should dominate those they deemed to be of a lesser race

Wait what? From what we know from current Hunter/Gatherer tribes that are still around, nobody is disposable. As a matter of fact, small bands took extremely good care of the sick/needy/elderly. On top of all this, the division of labor stuff was mostly practical as the majority of them are egalitarian. If you have one man and a bunch of women, all you really have is a bunch of wincest (which many of these tribes work very hard to avoid).

Really though, what the fuck? The shit people say about H/Gs.

I assumed you didn’t actually mean that, I was just giving you shit. =P

You guys are all a bunch of scrub assholes. BOOM! IRONY!

Scrubby trolling.

Maybe he’s actually trolling us not with the apparent trolling attempt, but with the scrubbiness of his trolling attempt. Meta-trolling. Fuckin’ trollception.

People who don’t know what the word inception even means. Lol.

I do, I just also know what the movie Inception was about.

Right, it was a movie about implanting ideas into people’s subconsciousness.

And apparently a meme factory for people who found the script too complicated for them.