Different Reset

I don’t think I remember seeing anyone else mention this but I just figured out a different reset in the corner:

Launch, Sj.Lp,SJ.Lk,pause,Sj.Mp,Sj.Mk,Sj.FP OTG with s.lk then into s.fk *, now everone knows since this is an otg you can’t super jump but as they are falling back down and recovering you can normal jump foward and grab them, and THEN otg them back into another AC…I love this character!!!:evil:

*Smaller characters, like another MM, require you to do s.lk, s.mk, s.fk but larger characthers, like sent, will fall out if you do more then s.lk, s.fk

now everone knows since this is an otg you can’t super jump

I believe you can and it is done in this video by Megaman himself. But I am not sure if can be done during gameplay because ive never done it in gameplay only in practice mode. I think they can roll out… maybe http://www.darktemplarz.com/combovideos/onslaughtmvc2.wmv

that link is gone…and nice combo. it’s cool you try to find new things for MM. keep on the good work…so i can enjoy the fruits of your labor. :slight_smile:

The link works fine for me. If it doesnt work then right click on it and go to properties, after that copy the url intel you web address and it should work fine Also I put the wrong link in. I meant to put in this one http://www.darktemplarz.com/combovideos/mvc2a2z.wmv

which is a lot more practical than the one I posted above.

*Launch, Sj.Lp,SJ.Lk,pause,Sj.Mp,Sj.Mk,Sj.FP OTG with s.lk then into s.fk , now evero

Wow, Nice combo. your right you cat chase them again. I thought you could beucase i wasable to do it off of a rush drill but it wonr work for this. I guess there is a rule int eh game where you ca not do 2 air comboes in a row. But very nice combo. it takes off 2 points less then launch, lp lk XX HyperMega.

With Megaman is is pretty easy to get someone in a corner. What i do is turtle till im against the corner and just do the wall jump and now they are in the corner. Then i call out assist and spam with tornadoe holds to pin them down and wait till the try to jump in or something to launch them.

At the end, instead I would try to do a c.Rh or a otg/lp, lp. Maybe you can combo off of the lp but I do not know a way.