Let’s face it, personal feelings aside some Marvel characters are more popular than others mainly out of costume design or personality (which is why Wolverine is getting his own movie.) When I started to play the VS series all the way back in '95 starting with Marvel Super Heroes the only superheroes that really made me excited as a kid was Spiderman and Wolverine. I used to be a big fan of comics but certain characters just never appealed to me just out of design and representation.
Eventually, through the years I actually started to gain more of an appreciation for the less-than-popular Marvel characters by playing them and seeing the personalities and moves expressed by their sprite counterparts. The main 2 for me were Cyclops and Captain America who I thought were corny and too straight-laced to care about using initially.
Cyke’s move versatility and giant beams in MSHvSF made him seem too cool, along the flashy Roundhouses, Captain America’s evocations, “VICTORY!” winpose “Thumbs Up Soldier!” taunt, as well as the legendary FINAL JUSTICE super an made me go back and actually see what these characters were all about.
By MVC2, characters like Blackheart, Shuma Gorath, and Spiral were less of oddballs who I’d never pick to cool Marvel characters I wanted to research.
So any of you share the same feelings, did Marvel make some characters cooler for you?
Having watched X-Men TAS [media=youtube]d-50D_1fVDI (the original good show not the newer versions) and being a SF fan I knew most characters. I also played Megaman games too and watched the Megaman shows http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akJygsSXcjw&feature=related[/media] and Iron Man back in the day when they were still good . Although MvC1 made me like Captain America and Strider a lot more. It made Captain Commando kinda gay though.
Captain America’s always been a badass. But he was amidst all the Rob Liefield garbage, so he seemed way lame at the time.
Cable, though, was made way cooler, being shown as a badass gunslinger, rather than the son of Cyclops and a clone of Jean Grey who ended up dangerously close to having an incestuous relationship with her semi-son, who traveled through time, empowered Apocalypse, and all that craziness nobody cares about anymore cuz they depowered Cable in Cable and Deadpool #12.
Not too related but when i was a kid i hated TMNT so much until the Konami games were released, i got the love for TMNT with the Arcade titles and so on, so i guess this can also happen with MVC and Marvel chars.