Could someone help with making better use of this combo?
Jumping :s:/:h:–>Cr. :l:, , :h:, :s:-Jump->:m:, , :h:, :s:–>:dp:+:h:, :h:–>Dash in :d:+:h:, :s:-Jump->:h:, :s:–>:dp:+:h:
Or what should I do differently if say I want to combo into his :qcb:+:atk::atk: super?
You could try following up the chimichanga with guns hyper and then dhc/kfc into another hyper. Or after the second launch, instead of grounding them try a team aerial exchange to build up some meter/damage.
So DP’s teleport explosion hits, knocks down (in spiral state), hits OTG AND can be hyper canceled.
Good thing about that is, if you need to OTG and have no OTG assist or have groundbounced already (so no Katanarama), you can use this. Only problem is you can only connect guns hyper if you OTG them in the corner; or maybe if you connect a Spencer assist.
BTW teleporting after teleport malfunction counts as a reversal. xD
OK, so something really weird I found. DP’s bolos (Ninja Gift C) seem to set them floored if it hits them in the air, but I’m not sure; he can hit them with anything after they both drop to the ground; Happy Happy Trigger, Cuttin’ Time, any normal you want, ANYTHING. Usually the animation would indicate they’re floored and attacks that don’t OTG can’t hit them, but in this case…for bolos, I guess not.
Gonna crank this out and see what we can do.
EDIT: Launch Bolos Launch Bolos. Probably an infinite. Good shit Deadpool.
(Back yourself in the corner to make this easier)
Hm, they eventually get pushed away from the corner a little. You can easily dash in and do it some more though, but soon you’d have to wavedash. You can’t do it from full screen, but of course they should be dead by then.
:l: :l: c. :h: xx :qcb:+:h: (dash) :s: j. j. j.:h: j.:s: (dash) :dp:+:h:~:h: (dash) :s: nj.:s: (small delay) Air :qcf:+:atk::atk:
600K from a 2 jab hit confirm. You can also add 50K to that if you add a jump in at the start. Near the end of the combo, you have to neutral jump after the :s: in order to set up the OTG super. You want to time the super so that you activate it as soon as they drop from their second bounce.
Only tested this on Chris thus far, but i dont see why it wouldn’t work on most people.
Found a way to do it (near) full screen; as soon as you hit the ground (really strict timing) do qcb.M (Quick Work), then repeat. Should work until they’re at the edge of the screen.
Seems if you dash before the qcb.M, you can connect from full screen. Again, timing is strict.
so has anyone at all been able to do his BnB combo in the guide?
CR. L, CR. L, CR. M, ST. H > 214 + H , FORWARD DASH, CR. M, ST. H > 214 + M , FORWARD DASH, S,
SUPER JUMP, AIR , M , H , S LAND, 623 + H > , H , 214 + > 236 + ATKATK
i’ve been on training mode for like 1-2 hours TRYING and FAILING.
his C.H slides, like 1/4 maybe 1/8 of the ENTIRE screen lol, but its way safer
cuz you can punish quick work!
His telport is pretty knar when not against corner but it should fuckin overheat over fuckin 2… such bullshyt!
and careful cuz he doesn’t have set places… its reall matteres where your are and what button you press
this is my usual bnb: jumping:snkd::d::snka::d::snkb::d::snkc::d::snkd:superjump:snkb:j.:snkb:j.:snkc::snkd::dp::snkc::snkd::snkc::snkd::qcf::atk::atk:
does about 540 k with only one super meter and its pretty easy to do what should i add to it?