Did anybody find a dog tag at Evo?

It belonged to my father. I believe it got pulled off my neck and I haven’t seen it since. The name on it is Russell H. Lamb and it has a social security number. If somebody found it, please let me know. It means a great deal to me since he passed away a few years back.

PM me or get at me on IRC or AIM.

That sucks dood. Hope you find it.

I know it might be a long shot but does anybody know the number for the student union at cal poly? Maybe they’ve found it. It’s very important to me.

Phone: (909) 869-7659 and ask them to transfer to the gameroom section and press 3 for lost and found.

I called for you btw, and it was a message box, and left a detailed message with what you wrote to have them call me if they have it, and I would post who to call for you. But if you want to call them in the meantime call the above number.

Hope that helped.

Good lookin’ out, Reza-O… :slight_smile:

Thank you so much. I appreciate it. It means a lot.

Rezo, I just got your message. I’m sorry to inform you, Ronin, but there are no records of your dog tags being turned in. I double checked our vaults, and I could not find any dog tags. I will ask my co-workers if they ever saw the tags. I will keep an eye out for them and will PM you if they ever turn up here.

Marc Amba
ASI Games Room Attendant & Tournament Assistant
(909) 869-4467

Thanks for the reply Marc. :slight_smile:

Thank you for your time, sir.

And Reza-o, thank you again for contacting them. I appreciate it.