Ok, I figured since most people don’t want to sift through some pages in the Dictator thread we may as well post up combos we’re doing(confirmed combos or any findings) here.
Basic bnb that I do in match:
[LIST] c.jabx2 c.short xx lk scissors
c.jabx2 c.forward xx lk scissors
c.strong xx EX scissors
c.forward xx EX scissors
From what I’ve played already, he can also link c.strong twice and connect with lk scissors or c.strong c.forward xx lk scissors.
*any combo ending in scissors kicks can be followed up with super
*I put the maximum amount of hits you can do with a particular move in parentheses. Sometimes it is best to cut links one hit short to ensure that they will hit. For instance
sometimes c.lkx4 does not hit because of range/character so sometimes it’s best to only do 2/3 lks instead of the 4 into sk
*psycho crusher can usually be used in place of sk if you want more stun
c.lk(x4), lk/mk/ex sk (damage 130/154) (stun 265/405)
c.lk, s.lk, c.mk, lk/mk/hk/ex sk (damage 173/183/197/204) (
c.lk, s.lk, s.lk, s. hk (damage 159)
c.lk, s.lk, s.lk, s.mk (damage 123)
s.lk, c.lk(x2), lk/ex sk (damage 136/164)
s.lk,s.lk, lk/ex sk (damage 140/172)
s.lk, s.lk, s.hk
c.lpx3, c.lk, lk/ex sk (damage 158/182)
c.lpx2,c.mk, lk/mk/hk/ex sk (damage 186/193/207/214)
c.lp, s.lp, (plink it for easy links) c.mk, lk/mk/hk/ex sk (damage 186/193/207/214)
c.lp, s.lp, s.lk, s.hk (damage 168)
c.lp, s.lp, c.mp, lk/mk/hk/ex sk (damage 194/201/210/222)
c.lp, s.lp, c.mp, s.mk (damage 173)
s.hp, c.lk, lk/ex sk (damage 220/252)
s.hp, lk/mk/hk/ex sk (damage 220/230/250/260)
c.mp, lk/mk/hk/ex sk (damage 180/190/210/220)
c.mp, c.mk (plink it for easy hits), lk/mk/hk/ex sk
c.mp, s.hk (hard) (damage 200)
c.mp, c.mp, lk/mk/hk/ex sk
combo into ultra:
j.mpx2, ultra (damage 458)
focus attack crumble>ultra (damage 486)
ultra can also be used as an anti-air if you are boss
dizzy combos:
lvl 3 FA, ultra (damage 486)
j.hp, s.hp, hk sk (
lvl 3 FA, s.hp, hk sk
ex headstomp(opponent in air), ex shiny hands
anti-air combos
ex head stomp > ex skull diver = 280 dmg & 300 stun 330 dmg & 350 stun on counter hit
j.mp 1 hit, s.hp/s.hk = 170 dmg & 250 stun
j.mp delayed 1 hit, hp_ex psycho crusher = 180/190 dmg & 250 stun
j.mp delayed 1 hit, hp psycho crusher xx hk super = 324 dmg & 250 stun
j.mp x2, ultra = 458 dmg & 100 stun
fa lvl 1, ultra = 448 dmg & 100 stun
fa lvl 2, s.hk = 186 dmg & 310 stun
fa lvl 3, cr.hk = 238 dmg & 360 stun
fa lvl 3, ex pc/sk = 262 dmg
fa lvl 3, j.mp x2, ultra = 481 dmg