Hi. I’m not exactly new to the ST community or ST, but I’ve never really spoken in it or taken part in it. Only watched. I used to want to be a pro ST player but then I got some neurological disease that makes my muscles spasm randomly and I’m losing my vision, but meh, w/e. I still play casually and will as long as I can. In any case, I had a Dic question.
It seems many characters have a hard time countering a simple st.Short if you just spam it while you have them cornered (and cr.blocking). This is especially true of DJ. If you could give me some examples of way characters get out of this, please, do. I mean, aside from obvious chars like Chun, who are too fast to even get trapped like that. Again, I’m a casual player, and only play against other casual players, so it’s not like they know pro strats (I’m the best “casual player” in the area, and I think I owe this to merely watching EVO vids haha).
This may seem like a stupid question. But I’m still posing it.
Reversal special moves can also be performed on the last frame of block stun in every game starting from Champion Edition. I could also see myself sticking out a weak attack if I blocked a standing short from you and then you walked at me to do it again…or I might throw you cause I’m thinking that you’re looking to throw me. It’s definitely a devious strategy, though. Very tricky.
The best answer to that strategy would probably be a reversal special move that hits near instantly, hits mid, and is relatively safe. Invincibility would be really nice to have, too.
So it sounds like many casual players will have no idea what to do when faced with this. Excellent. Some characters can actually just jump out of it, while some get completely stuck. Thanks for the input. I usually open up with a j.rh and then spam the st.short for a few seconds, then finish with a throw. Gets most people I play with every time.
Jumping roundhouse? Whoa. If they’re not anti-airing you out of that, then, yeah, they’ll get caught in that trap for sure. Unless I’m certain they’re going to sleep on jumping attacks, I’d get them wrapped up in his poking game first…then try for a crossup.
Otherwise, standing short is really good as a poke and a throw setup.
Well, by the time I finish the j.rh, they’re usually in the corner already, because most of the people I play turtle constantly, so a crossup is unrealistic; however, I do crossup whenever possible with a j.fwd > st. short > throw/slide/torpedo/scissor kick
Dic seems to have no overheads except his headstomp. Is this true?
Edit: After playing a couple of games I quickly realized that I’m an idiot and I’ve been doing overheads subconsciously for a while. I realize that you can make overheads out of his j.short and j.fwds. DUH. Sorry for this useless post.