Diavle's art thread

So far, this is the most unusual looking Ryu picture I’ve ever seen in my entire life.

But, the picture is drawn nicely and if this is the style you like to do, awesome. It does look of good quality.

That is a really good picture, really makes me believe there’s a story behind it.

i totally know what’s up with those feet. i took a life drawing class once and i was taught to do the same. ryu looks cool.

Thanks man.

Thank you very much, really appreciate all the comments.

Bob Wilson Fanart


Here is Bob Wilson from Fatal Fury:

And here’s his close up:

  • Thanks



i like your interpretation of ryu and sakura. i love your style…that shit is sick. keep doing you.


good shit…yo do you draw any manga or comics? cause id buy a copy

You should start your own thread and merge them into one. Just throwing out an idea. Good work.

I’d have to agree with the ryu looking “fag-ish” as saying he looks feminine is far less accurate in my opinion. I would have to agree with the statement that your art style “appeals to me” despite not being something I would favor it has it’s place.

His position betrays the look of his face, by this I mean that his face doesn’t quite match his body type. It looks older and the size and general feel (and shape) of it seems to contradict his position and the general look of the body. The arm looks too large/long, especially the one pointing outward (more reason as to why I agree fag is not inaccurate is the poisition of the arm and the crossed legs, doesn’t really strike me as “feminine”) although for the left it is a mild complaint.

In contrast it makes other things possibly seem to small. His foot and ankle just seem strange. As for Sakura, doesn’t look like Sakura to me but as for the picture, much less to complain about. The top of the legs seems a bit odd, other than that I guess it just fits the style you were going for, and I can’t really argue against that.

In general, I like the poses and the fireballs forming are cool in my opinion.

I’m digging it. I really like the style in this, no complaints. Great job. :tup:

Portraits look great. Good job on everything. :stuck_out_tongue:

sweet work man. Is the hair on the Angel portrait?

Hugo and Terry Bogard Fanart


Here are Hugo and Terry Bogard:

P.S. So as not to bump my other threads up… a huge thanks goes to everyone who commented in them, really appreciate it.

  • Thanks

EDIT: Posion’s portriat:

This is amazing. Awesome job. At first I was like man Hugo doesn’t look to big but then I scrolled down. lol.

Beautiful,simply beautiful.

How did you do it?

What did you draw it on or what kind of program did you use?

Thanks man, lol yeah, I didn’t like Hugo being ‘fat’ but I liked the giant part of Andre The Giant.


I drew all three by hand with pencil and paper, Terry and Hugo are the size that they were by default but Poison I had to make smaller digitally (wouldn’t have been able to make her clear enough if actually worked in that size). Terry and Poison span one page each while Hugo takes up two (1-head to knee, 2- the rest).

Used photoshop to color and then splice them together. It was actually only Terry and Hugo at first but I wanted something to help with the perception of size and decided on adding Poison as well. Then used area select and Free Transform+Skew to get the shadows and added the ‘ground’ (used Skew to distort) and the background. All this was done using a Graphire 3 4x5 tablet.

Lots of work.

Came out really good though.

Hope you will do some more