Diamonds are a girls best friend-Ibuki Gem setups

Just wondering what everyone’s setups are. (Or if anyone has even touched their gem settings lol)
What I have is…
Divine speed Lvl 1-Connect 5 normal moves, speed +10%
Life force Lvl 1- Get hit by 2 specials, Vital restoration +80
Fortitude Lvl 1- Get hit by 2 specials, Damage cut +100

I’m using Ibuki x Juri team and my combos are very meter heavy. Both ibuki and juri have partner switch meter gain boost, some other meter boost gems and last slot I used for Ibuki is damage reduction if i get hit.

I’m almost always using some form of meter gem on every team I use. If you have an extra bar you can probably don more than 10% more on the combo anyway so I always feel like the meter is worth it.

But lately ive been messing with trying to get gems to avitave at the same time.

Im using a Power gem that is 20% off landing 4 specials and and another gem that is 40% meter gain and 10% power off landing 4 specials (EX Gem takes 2 slots). I’m using this for both Raven and Ibuki. Though with ibuki it really depends. I have a hard time landing 4 specials with her in some match ups. With Raven its pretty easy to land them. One thing with ibuki is that you can lame it out a bit and kunai to score some of those special hits.

But when they both activate its 30% damage and 40% meter. You can finish people off pretty quickly when its active. 30% damage is pretty dumb. More so with Raven IMO.

I may switch from a defensive Ibuki when I get better with her. But until I can get Tsumuj to LP down I need these boosts to live a bit longer lol.(or a decent BnB)

I’m using all fortitude gems on all my characters because forcing people to eat their way through 360 more hp per character is nuts.

After I’m done figuring out all my best combos I’ll likely switch to one or two power gems that activate on launcher.

edit: partner’s launcher.

Right now all defense haven’t had much time to mess around with them that much.

I really like that! Mind if I ask which gems they are? I can’t find them :confused:

The EX ones came with the special edition of the game so you might not have them. The EX ones take 2 slots so you only get 1 EX and 1 normal.

But you can still use this strategy with other gems. You could pick 3 that trigger of your partners launcher for instance and you come in glowing x3!

It’s brilliant!!!

Lol thanks, this is not only a great idea, but setting them up off a launcher is the push I need to grind out some abc launch team combos :wink:

Hey guys! posted this in the newbie question thread as well but havent got a answer yet so i thought i’d ask my fellow ibuki players. Whats the diffrence beetween iron wall gems and the fortitude? and do the effects stack? for instance if i get two iron wall gems do i get say 10+10=20% defence or can i only have one of those active at any one time? I havent been using fortitude but have had 3x Iron wall gems right now. I’m very unclear as to what the fortitude gems actually do sorry if this is common knowledge. :slight_smile: thanks in advance for the replies!

Yes I believe they stack. Not 100%. Like 99%.
Fortitude makes it so instead of the 950(900?) health ibuki has starting she would get an extra +100(depending on the fortitude gem)

I’m using Meter gem off 3 specials, and off 10 blocked attacks. For something like +40% with no negative.
And fortitude off so many blocks or something for an extra 100 stamina.
I’m pretty meter heavy with ibuki between ex tsumuji/kazegiri. And more so if I have 3 bars I’ll be looking for an opportunity for cross arts.

meter off blocked attack
meter from launcher
health + 80 grad revocery

damage from partner launcher
meter from partner launcher
health + 80 again

i like to start off with a launcher to buff everyone and gain meter, then go nuts with tag combos lol…
and 980 and 980 is SO much better than two 900s

This is basically the setup I use. Slightly different for Ryu though, I use reversal activated meter gain so I can block a fireball, throw one back, then spam cr. MP/zone and get like 2 bars lol. I prefer the launcher activated gems for Ibuki mostly because it’s hard to control when others are activated. This setup guarantees at least one damage/meter gain boosted combo per round. Generally I never start the second round without 2+ bars, allowing my first connection with almost anything to net me at least %50 damage.