Dhalsim Combo / Tech Thread

Some nasty shit after landing mp flame BnB in corner


Basically, the setup is immediate dash to LP gale, and if they don’t quick rise, you just land and then immediate MP gale to cover the no getup.

This is dirty as if the opponent quick rises, the LP gale will always be about +6 or so, meaning that cr hp becomes a 3f frame trap and will ALWAYS beat any 3f jab.

If the opponent doesn’t quick rise and you do the followup MP gale, this also hits for about +6 again, meaning the cr hp still is a nasty frame trap. This is especially sick vs chars with poor wakeups and no reversals etc, as they have no choice but to eat the gale and be put into some nasty pressure. AFAIK VRs will whiff under Sim and you can land and punish, so this setup really is cheap =)

If they back roll, Gale will hit extremely late and become so positive that back hp becomes a 3f frame trap, lol. This is pointless as on block it just whiffs. but I’m experimenting a lot with back roll setups and how I can incorporate some nasty stuff afterwards. Stay tuned…

Accidental post

Here’s some old notes because this sub-thread is pretty dead.

After landing MP Flame, you can IAT behind into LP gale. If done as fast as possible it will meaty backroll but trade with 3 frame normals on quick rise. However, this trade will be in your favor, both in terms of damage and because you will recover in time to do another IAT behind into LP gale. This second gale will beat quick rise 3 frame normals and still catch back tech. So the opponent is still forced to block an IAT Gale.
+If you IAT into nothing, or whiff j.MP, you’ll recover in time to block 3 frame DPs.
+If you knocked the opponent into the corner, you can IAT in-front instead of behind to maintain positioning.

After landing IAG: dash, LP IAG will meaty backroll and beat 3 frame normals on quick rise.

After landing EX Flame: dash, dash, LP IAG will meaty backroll and beat 3 frame normals on quick rise.

After landing MP flame in the corner: whiff s.HK, B+MP is a frame perfect meaty against 3 frame normals on quick rise and backroll. You can cancel it into EX fire, for advantage on block and combo into s.LP xx EX flame on hit. It’s useful because it will cover both tech options but won’t lose to projectile invincible moves like the standard meaty flame/gales. Unfortunately, it’s only an option when you land the MP Flame close to your opponent, you could walk/dash forward then do B+MP raw but that’s a 1 frame timing. Whiff s.LK, dash, B+HP xx (EX Fire/MP Flame/Ex Flame) is another frame perfect option that is a true meaty for both techs and will work at a farther range, but it will whiff on wake-up crouching normals (so it’s meh :expressionless: ) .

you can meaty a Light Drill off a v-reversal

also, the trick is to aim for the bottom of their hotbox. Drills are really plus on block if you hit it correctly.
L Drill can get +6, M Drill +7, and H Drill +8.

i found an interesting use for jumping light kick.

if the opponent is crouching in the corner, you can IA teleport and cross-up appearing behind them.
if the you delay the teleport slightly, you can appear in front of the opponent and still hit them with a cross-up if they don’t stand in time.

it’s tricky to block and could get you that last hit. i’ve been getting cr.LK or instant j.MK after the cross-up.

maybe you lab monsters can flesh it out more. i dunno.

I feel like drill spacing is so important with Sim to really get his offense going. Even in neutral knowing the perfect range for a +6/7 drill is really helpful. I’ve been landing a tonne of cr hp CHs after a very safe drill, 99% of people mash cr jab after blocking a drill so hitting them with a big double cr hp counter hit combo is really scary for the opponent. Off of one drill! Scary stuff. The only downside being that you need to recognize when the drill is at its very safest. If it’s only +4 or so and you do cr hp as a trap, 3f jab characters will be able to jab you. So basically versus characters with 3f lights, you need to be on point with the drill spacing. Little room for error. Of course versus 4f jabs you have 1 extra frame for error with the drill spacing :slight_smile: I’ve been really getting it down lately and it’s beefed up my Sim game immensely

Also, I’ve been experimenting with ex fire for pressure and frame traps. If the opponent blocks a cr hp, doing back mk into ex fire is really strong; the back mk is an auto 3f trap loff of cr hp, and if they block, the ex fire is +5. A followup cr hp is really good against 4f jab chars (ie, you will ch them mashing everytime with ex fire to cr hp on block). On hit I’m guessing the ex fire is much more positive, might be able to get a free drill afterwards or threaten with something else? Still experimenting, but I think in certain situations ex fire is worth the bar.

Also worth noting is that ex fire on block to st mk (long limb) seems to CH a tonne when people mash. The frame data says that it’s a 8f gap so I have no idea how I’m CHing people with the followup st mk, but it seems to work well. It’s also really scary when they’re inside the v trigger, as the cr hp, back mk xx ex fire combo takes up a good bit of time, ie, the grey health racks up. The threat of the followup st mk is scary too, as this will deplete all the grey life and then some more, as it will be CH. Really cheap! lol

Other than that, I have nothing new. Sim is fun in this game but really seems to have very little room for error. Characters with big damage and corner carry are a nightmare, and if you mess up twice = gg. His lack of defense options and little health are REALLLY making me consider just subbing him and not maining, but still, I’m gonna stick with him for now since I was an Akuma main in 4 so I understand the struggle of no hp ;_;


Quite like the V Skill Corpse hop dp bait setup in this vid at 0:54. Wonder if he will have legit ambiguous corpse hop mixups in the future. Like maybe off a crush counter hard knockdown sweep?

While the DP bait setup in the video looked flashy (which I know was the point of the video), I don’t think the whole v skill/corpse hop thing is worth it. If they don’t DP, your left floating above them with limited options to continue pressure. I’d much rather gale over V Skill for pressure in this scenario, and if I think a dp is coming, just bait it the old fashioned way. Wasting the counter hit on a drill also seems weak when you could cc, or cr hp x2 etc

Like I said, I know the purpose of the video wasn’t meant to showcase the optimal play but I don’t think Sim’s V Skill has much potential for mixup/pressure, outside of specific auto drill setups? Also, v skill df.hk seems to be very plus on block, cr.hp becomes a frame trap after! Needs more testing…

So how does fchamp combo two gales?
Is the first just really meaty? Also does he use medium or heavy?
And I’m assuming he ends in light gale.

Are there setups for meaty gales?

Creditit goes to Deathology about 5 boxes up -

Here’s some old notes because this sub-thread is pretty dead.

After landing MP Flame, you can IAT behind into LP gale. If done as fast as possible it will meaty backroll but trade with 3 frame normals on quick rise. However, this trade will be in your favor, both in terms of damage and because you will recover in time to do another IAT behind into LP gale. This second gale will beat quick rise 3 frame normals and still catch back tech. So the opponent is still forced to block an IAT Gale.
+If you IAT into nothing, or whiff j.MP, you’ll recover in time to block 3 frame DPs.
+If you knocked the opponent into the corner, you can IAT in-front instead of behind to maintain positioning.

After landing IAG: dash, LP IAG will meaty backroll and beat 3 frame normals on quick rise.

After landing EX Flame: dash, dash, LP IAG will meaty backroll and beat 3 frame normals on quick rise.

After landing MP flame in the corner: whiff s.HK, B+MP is a frame perfect meaty against 3 frame normals on quick rise and backroll. You can cancel it into EX fire, for advantage on block and combo into s.LP xx EX flame on hit. It’s useful because it will cover both tech options but won’t lose to projectile invincible moves like the standard meaty flame/gales. Unfortunately, it’s only an option when you land the MP Flame close to your opponent, you could walk/dash forward then do B+MP raw but that’s a 1 frame timing. Whiff s.LK, dash, B+HP xx (EX Fire/MP Flame/Ex Flame) is another frame perfect option that is a true meaty for both techs and will work at a farther range, but it will whiff on wake-up crouching normals (so it’s meh :expressionless: ) .

Only bought the game a few days ago so very new to sim, but just been messing around in training mode trying to work out the best ways to combo into super. What I came up with:

j.HP > c.HP xx h.fb xx super > s.hk

Damage: 489
Stun: 455

If you hit with fireball first you get 479 damage and 505 stun, although on smaller characters the fireball needs to hit on the opposite side of the opponent to where you IAT (to push them towards you) or fb will whiff.

Also as a counter, you can:

c.HP > c.HP xx fb xx super > s.hk

Damage: 507
Stun: 485

c.mk > b.mk xx hp.fb xx super > s.hk

Damage: 422
Stun: 360

Works anywhere on screen but it’s a one frame link against some characters (if you do b.mk on the second frame then hp.fp will whiff on characters Ryu size or smaller). As one frame links go, the timing’s not too bad though.

Drill > b.mk etc. obviously works too and isn’t strict on timing.

These seem to be his highest damage combos and best way to get into super since cancelling into fb instead of flame doesn’t initiate a juggle state so you get the extra hit at the end and a reset (as well as the option to xx V-Trigger).

On crouching opponents the above only works on Gief and Birdie.

So the super combos I posted above do about 8 more damage if you combo straight into super without fb I’ve realized, but you lose out on stun (and push your opponent further back) so it’s still better to do the combos with fb generally I think. The exception being if you’re worried fb may whiff based on range. You can also xx v-trigger after the above s.hk’s if you like (won’t combo), or c.hk if you want a knockdown next to your opponent.

I’ve now been looking at some setups. In the corner:

b.hp xx h.flame > c.mk

Seems like a pretty good meterless reset you can meaty c.hp, or whatever you feel like from (seems like you get 5 frame advantage).

Another good mixup is if you punish with:

c.HP > b.mk xx fb xx super > s.hk

midscreen you get a reset in which you’re the exact distance to hit your opponent with the last active frame of c.mk (giving frame advantage and allowing you to combo into b.mk xx v-trigger etc). With a fb > j.hp to start off the previous combo you’d be doing over 900 stun too which is pretty good, but fb spacing is quite specific (has to hit their feet) so I’ve not managed it in game yet.

Don’t know if anyone’s finding this useful since the thread’s dead, but meh, there you go.

I’s also trying to work out Sim’s longest combo, could only come up with 11 hits; is there anything longer I’m missing?


Few more:

With the opponent near the corner, back throw, hk slide put you in perfect range for an mk slide to hit on the last active frame so that’s another easy mode setup. People normally expect Sim’s slide to be unsafe too so you’re probably more likely to catch people with followups too, though I’m yet to try in practice.

Also I see people doing b.hp (crush counter) xx hp.fb a lot, but turns out you can get a juggle going with:

1 bar:

b.hp (crush counter) xx ex.fb > IAT > hp.gale

278 damage, 430 stun

2 bars:

b.hp (crush counter) xx ex.fb > IAT > ex.gale

310 damage, 462 stun

3 bars (pushing opponent to corner):

b.hp (crush counter) xx ex.fb > IAT > ex.flame > ex.gale

392 damage, 598 stun

You can also slide from b.hp for a meterless reset for the same damage/stun as xx hp.fb (with just a slightly shorter range).

More c.mk (last active frame) > b.mk > etc. setups:


c.hp (counter) > c.hp xx mp.flame ... backdash, c.mk > b.mk > etc.

forward throw (away from corner) ... c.mk > b.mk > etc.


s.lp > s.lp xx ex.flame ... c.lk, c.mk > b.mk > etc.

There are also plenty of blockstrings that lead to this setups, but I’m not sure how useful any of them are as they seem pretty situational.

I’ve also found that after a hard knockdown mk drill crosses up with frame advantage for jab pressure (can fake out with hk drill), although I imagine this is already know (just haven’t seen it in matches).

Hey Hawkins,

Thanks for doing this stuff. The sim forum section seems quiet but every little info helps.

No worries, just hope it’s useful to someone.

i’ve been using tele.mk as a meaty from medium yoga flame.

it has to be low to the ground.

if they don’t recover: you whiff j.mk and can IA gale if you want.
if they normal recover: if they don’t have a reversal or upper body invincible, it’s **free **. It also beats 3frame attacks.
if the back recover:: the j.mk whiffs and it’s **safe **.

If they back recover and reversal, you recover in time to block (even if you input b.mk, it won’t come out). I haven’t tested the whole cast’s reversals.

You can also get a low low low IA tele.mk and you will recover in time to be **safe ** - even to normal recovery reversals. this is only useful for baiting out reversals.

I’ve added this to my game, but have only really just begun testing it’s safety against reversals.

edit: if they don’t recover: you can also do a second AI tele.mk and it can be made safe as well.

For clarification (because I’m trying to practice it), this should or should not loose to quick rise SRK?

It should lose to quick rise DP but beat 3f jabs. Should beat Mikas ex wingless and ex peach.
However, if you do mp flame, empty IAT you should be able to land and block the quick rise DP in time.

I need to do more testing on specific reversals though. I’m fairly sure you can’t do mp flame, IAT j.mk with safe jump timing to beat Ryus DP while getting it to connect on just tech, but could be wrong.

This setup is really strong against characters like Laura and Mika with no reversal options. They just have to take it if they don’t have super.

An addition to this technique if you read back tech is to IAT behind and gale. It should trade or beat 3f jabs but give you a good setup after.

I was practicing gales in training mode earlier and accidentally comboed a meaty mp gale into an lp gale mid screen without a fireball > teleport setup. Is it known that this is possible? I’ve not been able to replicate it, so I’m guessing it’s quite timing/spacing specific.

Worked it out. Easy against big hitbox characters like Birdie, but found a way to get it consistently on all characters now (if they don’t quick rise):

mp gale knockdown > mp gale (whiff) > hp gale (hit) > lp gale (hit)

Works midscreen or in the corner and also against crouching opponents. Not the best as you’re broadcasting the gales, but there’s hopefully a better way I can work out to combo the gales without any weird setup. The important thing is for the last active frame of whichever version of gale you’re using to connect on their rise.

More usable setup: After mp gale knockdown > hp gale (hits quick rise and can be juggled with mp gale)… if they don’t quick ruse hp gale whiffs so > mp gale (hit) > lp gale (hit)

Edit 2
Quick Recovery (won’t work against back recovery):

Delayed Recovery:

Can also link super:

Sorry for crappy quality, not used plays.tv before.

Edit 3 (last one)
After meaty gale, fb xx super connects and does more damage and stun than straight super.

After meaty gale, ex flame > ex gale also connects in the corner.

Against tall characters (tested on gief) hp gale > hp gale works, just as in other double gale setups.

Also instead of going for the second gale you can lk drill cross up meaty your opponent, although I’ve only tried this in the corner so far, but maybe it’ll work mid screen.