Devil May Cry 5

vid shows new glimpses of new levels. they must have the full game already for review.

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No, press was invited to some event to play the first 10 missions. Maybe by NOW they have review copies out but that’s not what that video is from.

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Every time I try to do a no damage run I take 1 single fucking hit. Why must I be shit at videogames!?


Well shit, Itsuno and Matt Walker were apparently here in the PI to promote the game and I missed out.

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I only just noticed this part. My bad.

So far I love Neros mechanics, they are fun to fuck around with, and he feels even more versatile then before. I really love the Breaker system honestly. The arms are a lot of fun, i like the consumable idea for them, i like how its changed the way i think about when and where to use them. Reminds me of DMC1 and how DT techniques drained the meter fast so you have to be smart about using them (if youre not abusing the Grenade Launcher anyway). I hope the amount of them laying around in the Demo is indicative of the full game.

On a more global level the new dodge and jump animations are great. The way Nero moves feels really really good and fluid. I like that he does little side hops and stuff instead of exclusivly rolling.

I hope the bosses having multiple stage transitions during the fight is a normal thing. Again reminds me of DMC1 how the boss fights are very different depending on the room you are stuck fighting the boss in. This a huge improvement over 4 where almost every boss is fought in a huge empty square room or something. Goliath is a fun first boss.

Random thoughts:
Rainbow is so easy to do now. Awesome.
Revving while running is a good change.
I actually really like how Neros charge shot works, i dont have to hold a button down all the time now.
Air taunt is sick and useful.

Honestly dude i like pretty much everything about the demo, legit my only complaint is the same one as always, the enemies are too lethargic. More agression Itsuno-san please.


Soo~ what’s the feelings on the deluxe version?

I still have GCU through next year, but having weapons tied to it is pretty gross, considering what we got from another series that didn’t have a deluxe version but was still packed to the gills with extras.

I want the Buster Cannon, Lock and Load, and Caviliere R (second motorcycle) as a fan but at the same time I’m slightly hesitant on grabbing it, just on principal.

They don’t have current plans for DLC past, Bloody Palace (which is free), so the weapons straight migration not be available later on.


I’m getting the standard edition. Extra weapons and music ain’t worth the premium to me.


i just hope lady and trish are summer dlc and not fall dlc. thats all i care about tbh.

What about no DLC plans past bloody palace did you not understand?

Im just gonna buy the music.


The entire deluxe set will be sold separately without the game in a bundle as well so even if you end up wanting it you can just buy it afterward. I’d just try to get the main game as cheap as possible. I’m hoping they have a bundle of just the weapons but I doubt it.

No shit? I’ll do that then.

Another question is…you all taking the online for a spin? I’ll do PSN again for DMC V though, as long as people here are down.

The online isn’t matchmaking, it’s just random other players, and it’s online for everyone as long as you are online, it’s not a separate mode. If you aren’t connected it’ll just be data from Capcom. I’m not 100% clear on if you actually play with someone real-time or if it’s only some sort of ghost data. They do mention the latter, just not sure if it only works that way.

I’ll take it online. Even if it’s just for stat collection like Crazy stats always get my interest.

Wild. I’m trying to go in as fresh as possible, but I thought it was trying to do and online co-op of some sort, so most news I’m just now coming across. I’m guessing we’ll know for sure soon enough. Might have saved me having two subs if that’s the case.

Just under 2 weeks left, starting to feel the impatience/hype coming on now lol


i refuse to believe no lady/trish ever.
thats just not possible.

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