Dev blog Gen changes AE 2012

  1. Removed weird counter hit dmg on his crane cr.HP startup
  2. Crane cr.HK: now has 5 active frames
  3. Medium and roundhouse gekiros have 10 bonus super meter at the last hit startup
  4. Roundhouse gekiro’s last hit gives untechable knockdown
  5. EX Roll changed: 3 versions exist depending on the 2 buttons u press. All versions have projectile invinc until the end of active frames
  6. Roll, all versions’ 2nd last hit, has 6 more block/hitstuns. after FADC you are at +8f on hit
  7. Mantis U2 startup reduced to 7f
  8. Mantis focus attack: Level1 has +3f hitstun
  9. Crane focus attack: Level1 has +3f blockstun
  10. Crane cr.MK: +1 on hit, -1 on block, reduced hurtbox
  11. EX Oga: Damage 150, increased movement speed

Nothing I wanted. At all. I’m not sure I understand what the different EX Rolls are supposed to do.

At least extra meter is nice.

Like Juri’s fireball. Differing dmg and number of hits depending on the buttons u pressed. Has a few more projectile invincibility frames.

So what do Gen players think about this? And was this the only things that were mentioned?

another translation from kirbyism


-(KKK stance) crouching HP’s damage on counter-hit has been corrected to 1.25x the regular amount. (TL note: previously it wasn’t? What was it in AE?)

-(KKK stance) crouching HK now has 5 active frames (up from 3).

-If the last hit of medium/heavy Gekirou (dragon kick) came out, Gen gets a bonus +10 to super meter.

-The final hit of heavy Gekirou will put your opponent in untechable knockdown state. So use it as an opportunity to okizeme/apply pressure on wake-up.

-EX Snake Strikes’ properties will now differ depending on which buttons you activate it with (light+medium, light+heavy, or medium+heavy). The distance Gen travels during this move, and the number of hits vary.

Also, from 1st frame all the way till the end of active frames, EX Snake Strikes are now projectile-invincible.

-All versions of Snake Strikes will have 4 extra hit/blockstun as long as you don’t end with the final strike.

So if you FADC Snake Strike before the final hit it’s +6 on hit, +2 on block.

-(PPP/Mantis style) U2’s start-up is now 7-frame on start-up, down from 9 frames.

so if snake strikes means roll, that means fadc roll combos are possible

hehehe, i feel sorry for all the characters which gets hit by target combo into hk gekiro.

Gekiro changes are cool I guess. We get crane c.hp as a poke back.

I have the strange feeling that Gen is being shaped into merely a combo-video character.


Fixed the scaling issue with counterhit crouching Light Punch (Crane Stance).
Increase the active frames of crouching Hard Kick by 5 (Crane Stance).
There is now 3 versions of EX Jyasen. Not sure of the translation but it seems you activate them with Activated with LP + MP, LP + HP, MP + HP(LP + MP, LP + HP, MP + HP). Spacing and damage vary o_O.
When the EX Jyasen is in the dive animation, Gen is completely invincible.
The final hit of MK Gekiro builds 10 extra meter over AE.
Last hit of all Gekiros now a hard knockdown (Dayyyyyymn).

Thats what I have for now, there is more… Will update when I’ve got the rest.

Edit: Seems Shintenketsu’s start up has been reduced to 7f and regular Jyasen recovers 4f faster.

somebody posted this in the general changes thread. Hard knockdown on gekiro is pretty awesome. Maybe rolls are + on block now?

The frame advantage is only on the 2nd to last hit of roll, but we do get advantage after FADC now.

Roll combos are possible.
I see 1 site saying all gekiros are UK and another saying only Hk. All would be pretty sick, only HK makes it pretty much character specific anyways.
Extra meter is always good, but Mk Gekiro will still be useless.

He only got buffed so he’s no worse than he is now, but I don’t feel like any of these changes really change anything. Will have to see in use. Wasn’t EX Roll projectile invincible already? Wonder if it’ll have any use at all. I never use it now as it is.

One thing I would have LOVED to see was Lk Gekiro is airborne on the 1st frame. It can have the same startup and i-frames which means we’d still be getting hit out of it, but at least for an air reset and not for a full counter hit combo.

EX Roll invincibility ended at the first active frame of the last hit. Shorter EX Roll may b less punishable on escape.

Roll recovering 4f faster would be +1 on block, +5 on hit. That can’t possibly be right.

I think the translation is talking about the previously mentioned added advantage on the pre-final-poke roll hits.

^the post I copied said jaysen recovers 4f faster, so idk. Maybe it’s wrong, but if it’s right then that’s like really good right.

He got a nerf to crane cr.HP I think they said they took the crazy counter hit dmg away.

No, they took away him taking extra damage when HE got counter hit during it. He took more than the usual 1.25x damage for no apparent reason.

lol… roll, dash cancel, gekiro… and in this way we can copy Yang’s move.

Edit: it’s like this: if you interrupt the Jyasen before the last hit (the hand stabbing), Gen is +6 on hit and +2 on guard.
So you can possibly… Mantis jHP-> Crane cMP-> Jyasen-> fadc-> Mantis sHP-> Gekiro

Gen confirmed for top tier

[SIZE=18px]Copied from the front page[/SIZE]


-(KKK stance) crouching HP’s damage on counter-hit has been corrected to 1.25x the regular amount. (TL note: previously it wasn’t? What was it in AE?)
Wasnt this attack super obvious on wakeup due to the start up frames? Does capcom want Gen players to win simply based off of unpopularity?
-(KKK stance) crouching HK now has 5 active frames (up from 3).
Nice I guess, Gen has alot of AA options though, and this one needs Gens hitbox lowered so he doesnt get counter hit all the time (in my experience using this move, i always get hit as well)
-If the last hit of medium/heavy Gekirou (dragon kick) came out, Gen gets a bonus +10 to super meter.
-The final hit of heavy Gekirou will put your opponent in untechable knockdown state. So use it as an opportunity to okizeme/apply pressure on wake-up.
Awesome, but doesnt this sort of affect the crossup oga shenanigans? I dont use them properly, but at least this will give us time to recouperate, and or spend more seconds on the clock.

-EX Snake Strikes’ properties will now differ depending on which buttons you activate it with (light+medium, light+heavy, or medium+heavy). The distance Gen travels during this move, and the number of hits vary.
What are we Rufus players? I dont see the usefulness of this, if we are comboing EX Jayesen maybe, but even so, how much damage and space is that really? I think this is more of a “push your opponent far into the corner” type buff… I think.

Also, from 1st frame all the way till the end of active frames, EX Snake Strikes are now projectile-invincible.
They were supposed to be in the first place, the move is just too slow to “time” it to go under fireballs. Anyone who knows the matchup vs Gen can see us at mid screen try to go through fireballs, the only matchup I see this useful is vs shotos with>Fb being punished by this… I think.

-All versions of Snake Strikes will have 4 extra hit/blockstun as long as you don’t end with the final strike.
So if you FADC Snake Strike before the final hit it’s +6 on hit, +2 on block.
I think this is a neat buff actually, I FADC cancel blocked jayesen often, so, now we can use this strategy more effectively >:)
*On block, we will be safe vs reversals and be able to throw (i think) and on hit we can combo into TC2 (st.hp is 5 frames startup, so 2f link, this will be extremely easy, just about anything gen can do can combo off of 6 hitstun frames! *
This is my favorite buff of them all.
-(PPP/Mantis style) U2′s start-up is now 7-frame on start-up, down from 9 frames
Ive never gotten used to Ex-Hyakurenkou > U2 but, this should make it alot easier, according to my frame data, all versions of this move are +9 so maybe we can combo this off of a non Ex- version of the move.

KKK j.hkx2, PPP, KKK, hp roll, fadc, PPP, TC2, Hands, FADC,, KKK, PPP Mantis U1.

Be prepared for style.

Crane c.hp is good on opponent’s wakeup if you space it well and time it meaty. The hitbox extends beyond it’s hurtbox so even a trade is in your favor now that the CH damage glitch is gone. Also, I’ve seen some ghetto resets into it, so maybe they will be more viable.

CH PPP > U2 Mantis should work now.

U2 problem wasn’t the startup but the range and it’s lack of AA animation. It will make the character specific EX hands> U2 combos easier to hit, but wont make them universal to the cast (unless it messes with reel-back animation distance or pushback).

I don’t like the change to U2 at all actually. I use it as an AA to stuff like Guy’s elbow and now gonna need to relearn the timing. It’s not like it really punishes anything else it hadn’t previously that was a big problem. Just another misguided, uninformed buff.

I was thinking more like:
crane > > mantis >> > crane > > mp.jayesen > mantis > FADC > > st.hp > > EX-Hyakurenkou > > EX-Hyakurenkou > U2

I cant think of a longer combo, haha, unless you fit st.lp st.lp instead of after FADC, that might work. I could imagine a combo with two FADC’s but then it would require the second FADC into TC2 that ended with HK Gekiro (specific to a character who can be hit by it) to be canceled into Crane Ultra 1, and I still dont know the exact setups for Gekiro into crane ultra 1, but I do know you can spam SPAM ex-gekiro and combo into it just off of that, but it literally kills the ultra damage with scaling.

^Super post patch theory fighter here.

Those are all good things, i’m not sure its definitive

I was really hoping for a full invincible LK gekiro startup… so we’re stuck on using the EX version whenever we need to reversal up the opponent’s butt

Untechable knockdown after gekiros means possible safejump setups all the time --> kickass

roll >fadc > sMP > TC xx Gekiro sounds cool and flashy… i’m not sure about the actual possibility of using it… roll is sort of hard to land especially against players with good defence… but i sometimes get counter hit cMP xx roll, in that case it might be nice

curious about EX roll possible dmg changes