Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Naw no NG+

So first boss, any tips? He’s kickin the shit out of me.

  • good stealth gameplay. It’s not Thief but it isn’t Alpha Protocol.
  • lots of RoboCop references
  • Deus Ex difficulty level should be the default
  • It’s better than Invisible War
  • You gotta sneak.

= Regen wasn’t that bad in this.

  • You gotta sneak.
  • Console port
  • Pop-a-mole cover combat
  • Boss fights suck and you’re forced to fight them which means you have to stick stuff in combat skills to play the crappy FPS.
  • No way to turn off mouse smoothing which makes going Rambo even more difficult.
  • The main character’s voice actor does some retarded Clint Eastwood impression.
  • piss filter
  • dated graphics
  • Eyefinity. Why didn’t they just update the textures for PC or add an option to disable mouse smoothing instead of wasting time on this pos?

Basically, it’s a mediocre FPS with decent stealth and some RPG elements that make the game worth playing. The only problem is it carries the Deus Ex name and has to live up to to the original which it doesn’t.

7/10. Not bad but not great either. On PC, I recommend it if you like stealth games as the FPS mechanics are console bs. If you’re an Xbox bro, play this shit.

Now watch the developer consolize Thief 4…

Just finished it…not a bad game. Certainly better than Invisible War. Dont think theres ever gonna be a game thats gonna top the first, Its a one of a kind.

Don’t use bullets.

Throw a Gas Canister at him, then while he’s staggering throw an Explosive Barrel at him. Rinse and Repeat.

Just be patient and hide behind pillars (so the canisters/barrels don’t blow up while you are holding them) if he’s unloading bullets at you then chuck them when you have an opening.

I think he dies in 3?

Is the Beer and Whiskey a permanent boost to health or is it temporary?

Im glad I never played the first or second game, you know, so I dont have the silly expectation of the game being as good as the first one.

EvilSamurai - What games do you play that make this games graphics look dated? The game looks pretty to me and it certainly doesnt look dated. When is the last time you fired up the first game? That shit looks dated.

Now that you have mentioned that eyefinity shit im gonna give that a try today and see what its like. Im pretty sure I wont keep it like that as I dont think I will like, or be able to get accustomed to, the “void” that is between the screens.

Ok so I tried that eyefinity dual screen shit. Im having a bit of trouble with it though. One screen looks normal but the other looks sort of zoomed in and warped or something. It may have something to do with the fact that the monitors have a different max resolution. I think it will be pretty neat to play like that as the “void” didnt really bother me like I thought it would. I’ll have to fuck with some settings and see if I can get it all ironed out.

I’m pretty sure that’s it, but it’s just an educated guess.

If that is the problem couldnt I just correct it by setting the game to display in a resolution that both monitors can display? Or by going into the display settings and setting them both at the max resolution of the lesser monitor?

Radeon 4800 series. Perhaps my 4gigs of Ram is the issue. Most of y’all running on 8?

Deus Ex 3 graphics suck so it can run on consoles. Compare recent PC-exclusives (or games where PC was the lead platform) like Witcher 2 or Battlefield 3. Deus Ex 3 looks like shit in comparison. Well, not shit, piss.

Man…The PC snobbery recently has become one of the most annoying types of bitching in gaming as of recent. No offence EvilSamurai, i mean all due respect, but it’s really getting to be annoying. Can’t talk about games with anyone anymore without someone going on a rant about how the PC version got jipped or some bullshit. Same kind of BS as when people bitches about the PS3 getting shortchanged on Multiplat games. Bunch of crying and bitching. These may not be Crysis level blow away graphics but their hardly crap and you sound like a child for crying about it. This game looks really good compared to a lot of stuff out there. The artistic vision goin on here blows most stuff out of the water. Maybe not top line, but a far cry from crap. It’s just childish.

Looks. Like. Shit.

Hater XP

Invisible War is great if you forget its a Deus-Ex game. Human Revolution, however, is just brilliant. Already one of my favorite games ever, have not even finished the first hub.

Im using 4gigs of RAM and the game runs fine.

Radiantsilvergun - Word, game looks very pretty to me. See, im glad I got into PC gaming just recently as I tend not to have those…elitist views about games and graphics. I dont worry about how it could have looked due to the powers of what im playing on, I just enjoy it for what it is.

With max settings? Is your vid card superior to mine?

Yes, max settings. I’m not sure if my card is superior to yours, I just put a “new” one in my computer and I’m not too knowledgeable when it comes to computer hardware. I’m using an Radeon HD 5870 right now. I think it may be considered an older card now, with the way these things advance. I’m sure someone here could tell you what card is more powerful. My friend hooked me up with this one because his PC was ruined but he was able to salvage the RAM and GPU. Im not actually sure about the RAM as im suppose to test that for him. He also wanted me to test his CPU but I wont do that.

That Eyefinity shit is pretty neat. I got it all worked out but I decided to stick with just one screen. You need 3 monitors for that shit or it just doesn’t feel/look right. I didnt even know you could do that kinda shit.

Anyhow, im really enjoying this game. I dont play as fast as a lot of folks so im not very far yet. I still dont quit understand the hacking mini-game but I seem to be succesful most of the time. In fact, Ive only failed once.

Hacking gets a good deal harder later Drizzt. I recommend the Stealth Hack. Max it out if possible. i’m sitting on a quest i can’t finish cuz I can’t get through one stupid hack.

ugh i hated the endings to this game…such a copout.