DENJIN ARCADE Ranbat 1.4 HD Remix 5/9 RESULTS (HD Match Videos)

Total 14 Entrants. The whole tournament was recorded in HD, link at the end of the post. Thanks to everyone that showed up! Congrats Cesar! Nice to finally meet ya in person Antonio!

GGs everyone!

5/9 Results

  1. MonGoloRoboKop (Cesar) - 10
  2. EA meGamAN - 7
  3. Antonio (PAPICHAO) - 5
  4. Sin - 3
  5. SweetJV (SweetJohnnyV) - 2
  6. Dae - 2
  7. Plague - 1
  8. Abe - 1

Current Standings

  1. MonGoloRoboKop (Cesar) - 30
  2. EA meGamAN - 24
  3. Sin - 20
  4. Amir - 12
  5. SweetJV (SweetJohnnyV) - 10
  6. Antonio (PAPICHAO) - 5
  7. Dae - 5
  8. UltraDavid - 5
  9. Plague - 4
  10. Shogo - 2
  11. Cloud - 2
  12. Moocus - 1
  13. Sanchez - 1
  14. Abom - 1
  15. Muffin Man - 1
  16. Abe - 1

The entire tournament was recorded in HD and the matches are all available on YouTube. The bracket attached has numbers for each match. Use these numbers when browsing the YouTube play list to find a specific match.

DENJIN ARCADE Ranbat 1.4 HD Remix 05/09 HD Video Playlist


GGs to megamanpb, Wicked, and Anotonio! crazy match ups! Its fun playing with you guys :smiley:


Good seeing all you guys :smiley:

  1. EA meGamAN - 7 Thats what I’m talking about baby Honda represent!

it was cool being able to talk to you guys a little more this time around. even though i stink, i still had fun. see you guys next time!

awesome quality on those videos!
thanks a lot

edit: lol, wrong thread

Nice vids!!! Good to see another Chun player come out on top hehe. Maybe next time I’ll get an invite

everyone is invited hope you can make it to the next one i would love to play another fellow chun player

i am NOT missing the next one

you guys need to stop letting cesar win :lovin:
im going punch him

Agreed! I stopped him last time, but he made me pay this week… :sad:

:O!!! you cant punch me sir i’ll just jump short you all day so ha!!!:lovin:

you better come shoo cause im going to your ranbat at AI on sunday!!! Rawr!!! megaman and johnny wont be at the next one though :sad: you guys forgot to leave me the capture device!!! i guess we will record old school way!!

oh and shoo lol at your sig “you cant mash jab” agreed!!!

Those were some fun matches. Moocus that was one hard match. Dae and that Zangief was scary too. Megaman next time we meet ill give that Honda a better challenge we were both messing up left and right. At least I stopped Sin from beating you guys again. Whos gonna stop Cesar from taken this thing? If it didn’t take so long these Ranbats to end I would definitely make it to the next one.

Leave cesar to me rawr!!!

free joystick for you if you come to the next one! :tup:

Hmm Might have to come check it out so I can finally start practicing on stick cuz pad is starting to get annoying

fuck that dont give him a stick he will just mash throw all day now with blanka…

Damn just so that I can start practicing on a stick I am down to come get that from you this weekend Moocus