Wow Marc, I didn’t know you had an account on SRK.
is marc the homo marc with the pink dudley
dude, why pink? That is so gay.
HAhahaha ngmarc is a different marc. You’re thinking of Marc Cesar.
we’ve got work to do
Denjin 2night gogogogo
ok ok tonight
ok, here is the list for tonight…
- ShaquilleO’Neal 34 (Balrog)
- SSJ10Broly (Ken)
- Creat0r_Zer0 (Ryu)
- Vinny the Kid (Viper)
- Mr Bison (Bison LOL)
- Yai Wing (Ryu)
- haLoGoDx420x (Sagat)
- Shin-Evil-Ryu 666 xXx (Gouken)
- Macktastic (Mackoto LOL)
If anyone else wants to play, I’ll need another 360. BYOS. If anyone wants to chip in for dominos, please bring an extra 5$
you forgot to add me Mr. Pheria please sign me up as well
My bro and I will be there to play some SSF4 and Tekken
Papel Fuerte (FU)
Haqan (HA)
Don’t forget Papa Dictator!
sorry, i’d rather level up at THE ARC
my ultimate goal in the ARC is to become a Holy Crusader of Justice
merry christmas denjinites!
it was a wonderful christmas indeed
sorry i missed the last tourney. my computer crashed and ive had work this whole week. i thought it was gonna be this weekend. FML
what style is that called?!?
Flamingo style
Why are you never online you mother fucker! I finally got super and a stick and wanna play and you’re never on!
I’m on lovepig78’s account by the way, you know joe.
summer seminar with dr. kaz