team USA is the best
we’ll get em next time team philippines
team USA is the best
we’ll get em next time team philippines
Damn STILL wish I coulda stayed. Thanks for offering to put Jeff and I in Bean. Next time we will be ready to compete.
Glad I got to see Team AMERIBEAST vs Team Mexico though.
wasn’t there a guy taking pictures?
Wolverine > Cyclops
Eat dirt, Cyclops.
<3 Psylocke <3
That was me and I really didn’t get anything good. I’ll go through my take again in a little bit and pull out the alright stuff and post it.
It was awesome to be back at Denjin again after so long and see some familiar people. I’ll try and make it out every now and then and get some better pictures as well.
fuck pyro always drags me when i dont want to go
Vinny threw the stuffed panda I won at Denny’s out of the window of his automobile. :crybaby:
This fish is sick as fuck.
R.I.P. pyro’s wallet
hey cool guys who is going tonight? its serious time
agreed its time to stop horsing around people, who is going tonight
I need a team for SBO.
I’m Strong.
I also need a title for Denjin.
Perhaps: "NGMarc: Groundskeeper."
That will sit well with me.
Denjin Arcade and its people are a solid bunch. Thank you.
with your dad attire, your only appropriate title is Chaperone
BBQ next weekend, bro.
O’Doul’s on the house!
im heading to denjin w/ vinny now.
I had a dream last night that Kazzy and I made a crazy good wow team and then developed a seminar to teach our wow skills to impoverished third world children. I don’t play wow. I’m sure that starving homeless children could benefit from learning wow though. Something to think about Kazzy.