Denjin Arcade - I'm in Da-Da-Da-Danger!

A wild ReNiC will appear. It will use dominate. It will be super effective.

I donā€™t even know if thatā€™s accurate information, I think it was WC3s. You could even convince me that I actually lost that match or it was some other Alex ha ha.

Love that game. See you this eve.

Just finished my semester and back in Simi. I might go tonight.

Iā€™m wondering if the random makoto guy is meā€¦Sorry I couldnā€™t get dominated tonight, working and such.

No, random Makoto guy was there for a minute last night. You should consider yourself fortunate that you didnā€™t go, it was pretty much a bloodbath and no one came out alive.

Thanks to everyone that came out last night. Yi, Pyro, and Dae (SSF4) are big time cheaters. At least Yi knows what up with his gear. XXXXXXXXL Korean hoodie ftw. Renic is the best ever for OCVing all teams in the second team tourney.

am I stoner guy that uses ken chun yun? I donā€™t use chun

I donā€™t think so, I think he hangs out with random Makoto guy. You can be random stoner guy that uses Ken/ Yun if you want to be though. I can be random Chun guy and we can team up to form super random stoner guy that uses Ken/Yun/Chun.

Scrub tourney at 4:30pm EVERYONE!!

should have said so sooner so i couldā€™ve gotten more sleep

Or some extra practice.

GGs kazzy, Busta, Carlos.

Good seeing you guys again - Yi, eMCee, pherai, Dae.

iā€™m the worst


really fun times tonight

nice guy marc is first official Grandmaster of moatball, being the first to land the coveted double moat shot

too many time changes

didnā€™t even know what was going on the day before yesterday so I just didnā€™t go.

Sorry guys will do my best for world cup

raoh. I am down.




ok remember everyone world cup of 3s this coming saturday! dont miss it!

Anyoneā€¦ TONIGHT??

go tomorrow