Denjin Arcade - I'm in Da-Da-Da-Danger!

you cant play sf4 and be good at 3s. playing sf4 made you suck even more at 3s, yea it sucks to play that game :confused:

Ok, change of plans, and World Cup of 3s is back on for this saturday. Sorry to those who canā€™t make it, but this is the best time considering people who canā€™t come the following ranbat.

There are now only 3 teams, with only 1 team Mexico (Juan, Javi, Mio), and 1 team Philipines (Carlos, Ironfist, Kaz)

is there still a scrub tourney saturday/what time?

going to be next weekend instead

fucking. gay.

I already cancelled my trip to NCR and everythingā€¦

I donā€™t really give a fuck about the world cup whatever because I donā€™t have a team.

You stupid mother fucker.

I will kill you.

Iā€™ll shave your arms and then drop hot glue on em and then drop dog ass hair on them.

you mother fucker.

see you guys this weekend <333

Yes, you can put money on Yi.

wait what the fuck. 1 filipino team???

im not going to ncrā€¦ i better have a fucking team


if you guys have nothing to do June 11th which is a Friday
Make a trip to SD and play in the T.T.F. SSFIV 3v3 team tourney!!!
Its being capped off at 24 so sign up if you wanna play

So Joey and I need a 3rd?

I am the rocks of the eternal shore


crash against me and be broken

Denjin will be closed at 10 pm today. the city is shutting down the power to a few of the plazas for the night to work on its power lines

World Cup rescheduled for Saturday June 5, 2010.

Scrub tournament is back on for this weekend!

If you intend to play in the scrub tournament, be there at 2. I canā€™t afford to be too lenient with this tournament because there is a ranbat afterward. So if you call me from the 5 at 2:45, enjoy your casuals before the ranbat, cause theres a good chance youā€™re not getting in the scrub tournament. Remember this is your chance to make top 8 so get there early!!! Entry fee will be 5$$$$ :wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder::wonder:

Also Iā€™m going at around 630 tonight for a bit.

Just a reminder that Kenshiro the AZ Beast will be in attendance at Denjin tonight, Friday the 28th, and he plans on (and WILL) running a reverse train on Denjin starting with a ft10 ā€œdiapers or nothingā€ match vs American 3s Champ Yi ā€œ5 Starā€ Wang. Kenshiro has not been to a So. Cal arcade since the first world championships of 3s (where Kingraoh put him out of the tournament I might add :slight_smile: I think that was the last 3s tourney either of us played in, yikes!

Iā€™ll be covering any money matches vs THE Beast, so just hit me up tonight and we can talk turkey.

Iā€™m calling out Pherai, Joseph P. Dubbsmeir, Kazzy, Dae, Carlos, Vinny, Renic, Bean, fā€™ing Surewin, DJ ratboy, my boy and next 3s Champ, Chun killer Paul Paragon, hell, Paper, random Makoto guy, stoner guy that plays Ken/Chun/Yun, and especially the Chin Bros. Be nice to see you too big boy Pyro :wink:

Weā€™ll be there about 9 for some old man 3s. Hope to see some of you there.

ā€œhell, Paperā€

Yay Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s someone that goes by ā€œHellā€ or if its used in a pejorative sense. If Iā€™m at Denjin, Iā€™ll most likely be gone way before 9 pm.

P.S. I just finished watching ā€œA New Hopeā€ a couple hours ago.

P.P.S. Lol @ "Random Makoto Guy"
Psst- He doesnā€™t like you, I donā€™t like you either! You just watch yourself, weā€™re wanted men.

it was definitely pejorative

PPPS "ill be careful"
PPPPS ā€œyouā€™ll be dead!ā€

Its possible for us to be there before 9 hope to see then. My statement was not meant to be pejorative. Just calling you out :wink: there SHOULD be a guy named hell though!

pyro and i will be there barring a catastrophe

LOL! I still remember that loss to you KingRaohā€¦was that at a World Championships of 3s?! I think it was definitely right before an Evoā€¦maybe 2003?