When you land a SA on your opponent in 3s that puts them in a hard knockdown state meaning that they can’t use a quick stand. Here are some useful mix-ups after you land SA1.
Against Ken,Ryu,Akuma,Urien,Sean:
Land SA1, immediately after that press MP then dash and do a HK empty demon flip. If done correctly and with the right timing it will result in you crossing up your opponent just as he gets up. If you press a kick button late it will result in you hitting your opponent with a meaty hit on the side that you did the demon flip. You can also do this without using MP by just doing a dash after SA1 and walking forward a bit and then doing a HK empty flip.
Example at 3:12
Against Makoto:
I couldn’t find an example for these but I will try to explain as best as I can.
**Option1 **: The above setup works against Makoto but she needs more time to get up meaning that you can experiment with the timing and that instead of using a empty flip you can press a kick button and make it look like the kick is going to hit her but pass right through her head when she gets up and cross her up. You can also make the kick a fake cross-up, making it look like you are going to cross her up but hitting her with a meaty hit as she gets up. There are a lot of possible options you just need to get into training mode and experiment.
**Option 2 : **After landing SA1 immediately do a MK empty demon flip and after that you can either do a HK flip or a HK empty flip. Changing the timing on these will also result in some ambiguous cross-up’s. You can even make it so that gouki hits makoto on her way up and then he falls on the other side and you can continue your combo.
Against Chun-Li : After SA1 you do forward jump and press MP in the air, after you land you do a HK flip either empty or press a kick button. This works like option 2 against makoto. By playing with the timing you can choose on which side you want your kick to land.
These setups are deadly especially against makoto since her wake-up game is weak but you should still be careful of reversals and throws after crossing up your opponent. Sometimes its better to just go the safer route and do a super jump, air-hadou after SA1 but that’s up to you and the situation you are in.
I remember MOV told me that in certain situations (after jab srk x sa1) you need to whiff c.mp instead of standing for the shoto one, I can’t remember exactly. Also, in my experience, this cross up works very unreliably against Urien.
Setting up the cross up vs Chun is a pain. I’ve never used the one mentioned in the OP, but I’ve tried…
Dash , UOH, rh demon flip
jump, dive kick, rh demon flip
jump, rh tatsu on the way down, rh demon flip
and they all seem to work on in specific situations. I assume it depends greatly on whether its a short short sa1, low mk sa1, or stand mk sa1.
The one I listed for chun always works for me. As for how they work I think that it depends on the screen and how close to the end of it your opponent is.
Spoke to yuuki earlier and he said kuroda mentions in his recent training vid that you do c.mp when you hit them with sa1 in the air, and stand mp when its on the ground.
Should be regular jump but SJ might work depending in the situation. Chun xup is just too finnicky.
question about the chun one, Ive seen match and kuroda do it, but ive used hp in the air instead of mp in the air and it works, any difference between the two?
Do u guys have similar mixups after… For example a hk tatsu or hp.srk? What do u do after his punish combo(st.hp,lk.tatsu,hp.srk) or a random cr.mk, hk.tatsu?
Man i have so much trouble with dashing in and then inputting a srk motion. Is there no other method than tapping forward three times and then end it with d, d/f ?? Its toooo hard god dayum. On p2 side its definetly easier. Any tips?
sorry for doublepost but i need to know the inputs ,P
i think this is also useful for the makoto sa2 stun combo? after i do the kara fukiage i need to dash again and input another fukiage. and thats the difficult part for me tbh. god bless yall