I do it from time to time. After putting so much dive kick pressure for the first round when you just jump in and HK they get caught off gaurd because normally d/b beats everything and they are used to dive kick pressure. so j.HK > ultra 1 sometimes is fun.
imma be sittin with a print out of this infront of me for the next couple weeks til I remember it all like second nature…
to the danger room
So I started playing Cammy earlier this week. Been practicing her close standing strong into whatever. I noticed on the front of this thread you have all your combos with (close)st.strong, cr.fierce, c.mk xx whatever listed as character specific.
If you start your combo with a jump in that lands you deep on an opponent you can Close standing strong twice. If you can do the standing strong twice it means you’re deep enough to substitute the 2nd strong for a crouching fierce. You can combo a crouching fierce after the first strong into standing strong (far) or cr.mk into drill xx super or whatever. Not character specific from what I’ve tested so far - works on everyone.
Works best with jumping strong or jumping in and doing a late ex strike. Will not work from a TKCStrike - has to be in the air.
Took me a while to figure out after watching some of the higher level guys do it, but it makes these combos less character specific. Sorry if it’s been mentioned already.
Just tested : Jumping Fierce, Stand close strong, Crouching fierce, Standing Strong (or cr.mk), RH arrow xx super = 512 damage.
Without the super it does 375 damage. Not bad for without meter.
Edit: Son of a bitch it’s already a few posts up.
It seems like the cr.mk or standing mp are character specific. Basically if you can get 2 standing strongs off a jump in, you can hit with standing strong instead of crouching long.
weird combo (have you ever seen s.cl.mp into s.cl.mk???)
Vs crouching Vega and El Fuerte:
TKCS, (walk) s.cl.mp, s.cl.mk, hk sa
280 damage
does any one have the frame data for the tkcs>cl.mp>cl.mp>cr.mk>heavy sa?
anyone seen the combo video?
it was vs seth counter hit neutral jump hp, into EX TKCS combo
Some Notes on the Sako Combo(s)
Some notes regarding the Sako combo. For one thing, James is right about how the Sako combo (or Sako’s Alt. combo) cant work on some characters (e.g. Ryu) by simply walking up and doing it. It requires an initial jump in or dive kick.
Also(!) You have to realize that the Sako combos do in fact work on characters that are crouching even if the combo doesn’t seem to work if they’re standing.
An example would be Vega(Claw):
If you catch Vega with a dive kick when he is crouching, you can combo him with a Sako Alt combo ending with a HK SA (hits twice).
Another example; Abel:
When it comes to using the Sako combo against Abel, you have to use Sako’s Alt combo ending with MK SA. However, if he is crouching, you can end the same combo with a HK SA and land both hits.
Of course, the opposite is also true. That some Sako combos only work if the character is standing and not crouching. Ryu is the perfect example. You must land a preemptive dive kick (or jump in) while he is standing to land a Sako combo. If he is crouching, the cr.mk will always whiff at the end of the combo (notice how Sako never goes for the Sako combo when he catches Ryu players [Daigo] with a dive kick when they are crouching?).
This all has to do with hit boxes changing when a character crouches. Abel has a bigger lower hit box when he crouches as opposed to when he is standing (his lower hitbox is smaller). So it’s good to experiment with many different characters in different positions to see what works best. Of course, memorizing becomes hell after that.
So if nothing seems to work on Juri standing, try putting her in crouching position and then try. I unfortunately don’t have the game () or the time to test all the different Sako combos on the entire cast in different positions. For me, if I’m ever in doubt, always fall back on punishing with cr.hp, st.mp xx HK SA. Seems to work well enough on the majority, if not the entire, cast.
Some fun notes: Against Dhalsim(while crouching), if you land a dive kick point blank and follow up with a cr.hp, the cr.hp will hit meaty making w/e normal you choose to follow with after a breeze to land. Against Sim though, cr.mp xx HK SA can be landed off cr.hp regardless of the position and it’s ridiculously easy to land so best just go with that (unless you wanna be flashy of course and unfortunately for Sim you can really style on him for his particularly big hit box. Just watch Sako warm up against YHC Mochi in GodsGarden 2 Online before their match ).
I don’t know if all of this has been known already but I just wanted to point this out, just in case.
you might also wanna double check research on Adon… often i’ll find his tiny hitbox has been push way too far for me to combo fully… and he’s too short to guarantee hooligan resets…
I’m not sure if this has been posted before, but I discovered something last night I didn’t know about.
If you land a counter-hit using cl.st.mp, you can link into cr.hk for an instant knockdown. While you aren’t maximizing your damage, you are putting yourself in the perfect position to do the crossup ex-cstrike or an ambiguous normal cstrike crossup. if you land the ex-cstrike crossup, it is free u1 for you.
you should be able to achieve the CH cl.st.mp easily when trying to catch crouch-tech spammers.
So, for the sake of pointing out pointless combos, I would like to note that st. mp > cr. hp > st. mk works on everyone except Juri, though it needs to be off a deep hit against Hakan and Rose. Also you can st. mp > cr. hp > cr. hk against Bison, and maybe someone else with a super wide lower box.
more random info drop:
Cr.HP->cr.HK will ALWAYS whiff on Chun Li because cr.hp will make Chun Li’s hit box airborne for split second and so Cr.Hk will whiff even though the on screen graphics looks it should hit…
I love this simple 2 hit combo… it is not tech-able and it does like 190 dmg but it’s a 1 frame link… LOL
for characters where you must do TKCS before sako combo, it does more damage to go from TKCS > cr. HP > cr. MK > HSA.
Unless you’re just stylin’ of course
Noooo it doesn’t… You’re probably using hk spiral… If you use mk it does 20 more then combo you listed…
Long time no see Cammy thread =)
Just out of curiosity… Wasn’t it DBCLoop that [media=youtube]3MivgT9Y248"[/media] last year?
I dunno. Maybe he saw Sako doing them first? o.O;
Obligatory [media=youtube]pgGwvlA3gQ0"[/media] video.
ahhh…thanks! Im glad I still can do the cooler combo while doing more damage.
of course we all knew of the combos back in vanilla! nowadays though…any combo that sako does (minus her bnb) instantly becomes a “sako” combo.
When DBC does it they’re called shenanigans.
so annoying… especially since it doesn’t just stop at combos. you do a fancy option select, one that you might have came up with? SAKO SETUP!!! you do a ambiguose cross-up/strike setup? SAKO SETUP!!!
basically you do anything cool with cammy, no matter how long it’s been in your game, if sako has done it even once, it’s a sako _______.
I propose we just stop calling them sako ____. Let’s just call them high level Cammy combos, DO PEOPLE CALL RYU COMBOS DAIGO COMBOS?
Actually anytime I see someone drop a DP FADC Ultra 1 with Ryu, that’s a Valle combo lolol