Delrin Complete set (actuators and core) interest check

I’m very new to the forums so I’m not sure if I’m posting this in the right location so apologies ahead of time. So far we have 8 kits that are spoken for.

Please do not forget to put in your username so I have a way of contacting you if we get enough to start a batch

Running an interest check for some custom delrin actuators and core. Minimum order quantity before we can actually start production would be 20 sets and production will take approximately a week according to WazWuz.

What will come in a set are listed below ($47.50 per set) + other expense like shipping



Delrin Core


Sounds like a cool group buy, and I hope this works out for you. But you might want to PM a moderator just to make sure you are all good.

Most likely they be cool with it, but it would not hurt to get their blessing as you are new here. Have you been a regular, there probably no issued.

Understandable. I’m not really the person taking the money since it will still be paid to the person who has developed it (WazWuz from arcade stick indonesia) who is also the same person that worked on the golden fantastic mod kit. Any specific mod I should contact?

I see no issue with this. I’m letting this stay.

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Cool, I though it was wise for OP to play it safe.
glad your fine with it.

Thank you so much :slight_smile: If it ever does come that I need some kind of rep asa backup, I am an avid member of the keyboard community whith flair reps as well as heatware though I’m really not the one going to be handling the money as it will be Wazwuz directly.

Only issue you’ll likely have here is most of us in the korean parts thread have been dealing with Victor / Wazwuz for over 2 years, and have the parts already. But no harm in trying to get a group Together. Also it’s Golden Fanta not Fantastic, just so you are up to speed on that.

Yeah. I’ve constantly been getting autocorrected non stopped by mobile so I must have missed when ut said fantastic lol. I just thought I’d run this is and with luck, bytnhe time he gets back from vacation, we’d have enough people who would like to join the buy since it doesn’t take long to.make them but there has to be eniugh people.