Deleted OP. Fuck you bums

Sapphire please promise us that you won’t call Kotaku when the thirsty niggas get in here. Pandora’s box has been opened up when this was put in GD.

I was doing the lord’s work

Shhh! Don’t speak of them or you’ll hurry the arrival of the Parched Posse. Their thirst is unquenchable.

Ultimate troll move: Show a beard, moustache, and poorly stuffed bra via a bathoom selfie with a urinal in the background of the first pic. Shrinkage everywhere.

i scrolled thru 2 pages of this shit looking for a pic of you actually wearing the costume, dafuq

It’s an in-progress project that is continuously updated in the OP until the final reveal.
This was clearly mentioned in the OP. You didn’t even have to search through two posts…

Will be watching this thread and seeing where it goes… That and reminds me of when I used to cosplay many years ago. Haven’t cosplayed in about 6 years.

Nice! Who did you cosplay as?

I only want to point out that Karin seems to be wearing tights

Excuse me?

I am sure that I AM the one that is doing the lords work

The pic is kinda misleading, these are thick cloth tights, they just look like pants in the pic. When the skirt arrives I will wear them so that people get a better depiction.

Inferno and Hecatom have the thirstiest looking avs in this thread. I also wouldn’t trust the white guy with a shotgun.

What are you going to do about your hair? Are you going to Dye it gold and get the oujosama drills? Or is it going to be some kind of clip ons and wig or something?

I just noticed Karin has those tube tentacle looking things in her hair. Reminds me of Cthulu.

The Eldritch truth has finally come to SRK. We must elevate our beings by lining our brains with eyes. Plip plop splash splash. Do you hear that sound?

So uuuh how does that skirt fit on you? You know, just to see hobbit compares to the sprite and all. #pervert #thirstisreal

as long the hair is one point and that famous laugh of hers is also on point, the cosplay will turn out great.

You niggas fucked it up. its over.

how you just gonna post pix of your clothes on your bed tho lmfao

Damn just throwing her to the wolves, cold blooded.

Outfits look good so far.