Good to see that the GGPO corner of the universe has not bent the knee to political correctness.
CigarGirl, if you can’t stand the heat, then stay out of the kitchen.
No, wait…
Good to see that the GGPO corner of the universe has not bent the knee to political correctness.
CigarGirl, if you can’t stand the heat, then stay out of the kitchen.
No, wait…
In CigarGirl’s defense, that’s just not true. Not around here.
In fact, a lot of people here get bent out of shape without more than the slightest indirect provocation.
Seph was one of the few to actually get the point of the thread but as he said if this is how people react it’s better left to dissolve. I don’t remember trolling you tren or saying anything to you in the slightest aniSin isn’t one of my alt names either. If i did insult someone it was most likely they threw the first stone got insulted back then got majorly burnt by it and still feel some resentment towards me it’s not about the heat milo it’s about the level of maturity.
Goodluck to you all but this thread would be better off locked/deleted.
Trolling is the act of u accusing me of turbo, u r nothing but a bad troll n a bad player, get over it “Miss” “I share CigarBoB’s account”
More. MORE! This thread amuses me so!
oooh impressive tell me more…
ooh i see, “M A T U R I T Y”, you’re a great example of “maturity”.
Look at the thread do i really need to comment on maturity with you philcito? Not including some of the shit you have said to me on GGPO when I have NEVER spoken to you ever in my life? Like calling me a slut etc bitch and other things for no reason. You’re the prime example of immaturity.
Philcito doesn’t talk like that. You are lying.
LOL philcito damn bro
too rude
WTF, FYI… i’ve never called you like that, i use to laugh about comments about you from other players but i’ve never insulted you, you should know that.
wow, guys seriously, harassing women on game chat rooms? LOL, thats just downright lame.
No wonder most women find gamers to be the ultimate turnoff, if there are so many douche bags out there.
Why did you revive this shit?
oh so this was the thread Sharizard was talking about. LOLOLOL. Ive should of gave a shit about this section more often, I wouldn’t have missed such GOLD!
LOL, fuckin sad. NECROMANCED!
I just heard about this Chun Li player Stacy, so far no one is hating on her for being girl unlike this Utility"girl" with no skill.
Also, congrats to Stacy for placing high in ST this weekend
It probably helps that she doesn’t play on GGPO, or read these forums very often, lol.
Is Stacy hot?
I dont know her, but she has a beast Chun Li, and Chun li is Zangief’s weakness so watch her out!
Why would you necro a thread to speak about another player who’s never been on ggpo to discuss it of course that shit doesn’t go down offline with everyone present because players like you would get called out instantly, I’m sure alot of the OG’s wouldn’t let you go down like that either and would be pissed. Offline > Online are two different experiences because players like you get the opportunity to hide behind a monitor.
If we had to run a popularity contest of me vs u, I would win, by a slight margin, but u know, a win no less
I know, u cant stand she has proven herself offline, unlike u who never has done it, where r ur offline results?