Not sure what happened here but can’t gamers be a little nicer to each other?
No response huh.
How typical.
Nerds think games are a male realm and men get insecure and hostile when females “invade” their hobbies. Watch that movie with Charlize Theron and the coal mining. Same shit.
hey somethin you oughta know
ever since sf4 came out alot more nerds hopped on the street fighter bandwagon, which sucks, but there money is green so whatever, pay me. But the thing about nerds is they are usually sexually repressed individuals with built up aggression from being low social status and all that Sigmond Frued shit, you need to keep this in mind and use it as a buffer when you read ANYTHING they say on the internet. plus the fact your advertising your a chick in your name, most of these dudes dont know how to act around a girl.
but keep playing ST, you got good taste in video games, even tho you are playing them online which is a problem but maybe you got no one to play with around your spot or whatever.
let me get this out of the way for you, cunt fluezy dyke slut lesbo bitch skank trick ho whore and my personal favorite, chicken head, now that youve heard all these you got no reason to be offended, they are gonna have to hit you with some creative shit and you should be impressed/honored if they actually do.
Well a lot of people in this world will not be mature because they can hide behind the interwebs. I’m sure you know that already.
In real life, they probably wouldn’t dare even trying to speak with you, only look onwards at you as if you were an exotic species.
Any act of venting will be met with disapproval from someone. Should have just resolved to change your tag (without telling the world it’s you) and see if the same happens, because it shouldn’t.
Funny how all the white knights here are not regulars on GGPO. Because if you ever saw this chick trolling on GGPO, you wouldn’t run to defend her that way. Someone one posted above the exact reason she gets the comments she does. She is not a good person. I’ve seen other female gamers at tournies and on the forum, they don’t get responses like utility gets because they are not condescending bitches.
Not white knighting. I’m simply saying to her in less formal language: change your tag, play and stfu.
Deleting posts shows that OP is immature as well - just shows you yourself are immature and cannot own up to being insecure about what’s been said.
What is this? I don’t even…
LOL@thread, good shit cigarslut, if only you didn’t delete your posts.
If you people were on GGPO you would see the truth.
: / the original post was 80% about how awesome ST and getting into the community was with one paragraph talking about how she had bad reaction from mentioning she was a female. Think more like people just jump’d on the female hate train, probably got burned by too many girls making fun of their junk or some shit. Look at the core message not the pork barreled bs and there was someone trying to basically say they were sad the community was dissolving. It obviously deserves too if people act like this towards each other.
The last girl I played SF2 with was a South African Blanka player who called me a fag.
nah that was me lol
… your Blanka needs work
I see ur lips moving, still nothing valuable comes out
Epic LOL n btw Im “OG” :nunchuck:
No one is going to have a pity party for this “Utility Girl” / “CigarGirl” / “AniSin”. She is just as much an instigating troll as the rest of the GGPO players. In fact she is one of the worst kind with her lies and multiple handles / manipulation. Female, male or hermaphrodite is not an issue here.
utility girl = cigargirl?.. if they’re the same person… BIG LOL to the thread!.
Cigargirl has to be one of the most annoying/retarded persons on GGPO, why am i wasting my time responding to this thread?.