hmm i posted the same thing in this thread
beguiled is that you?
hmm i posted the same thing in this thread
beguiled is that you?
lol @ some random dude crying about his life and he’s in his 20’s (not even specific about it either).
Listen girl, the problem is obviously you, and because you can acknowledge that, then you’re better than 90% of the people I know.
Thing is, you have issues that sound easy as fuck to fix versus those out there who are in way shittier situations (not talking about bums, talking about real people here) and yet doing themselves in or going to a random forum and crying about it is the last thing they’ll do.
never kissed a girl
Who gives a fuck, no one does.
People will pick on you about it, but none give a shit.
I used to work for the porn industry for 6 months, and I didn’t get shit! What’s sad is I had the most interaction with the woman there compare to the rest employees and my dick stayed dry the entire time!! In fact, my dick was the only dick that didn’t get sucked there!
I don’t work
Get a job! Easier said than done, this may take some time, but as long as you’re not me, then you’re fine.
What do I mean by that? For me to get a job is fuckin’ impossible. I have disabilities that gone on for days, but they’re all cured by weed. What happens when I stop smoking that shit? Well fuck, I’m not mentally fit to get those jobs. But what happens when I start smoking that shit? Fail drug test.
Shitty situation for me to be in, and none will support me for it because the government believes my disabilities don’t effect my social life.
I never went to college
Even if you did go to college, you’d be in the same situation you are now and making this same exact topic here anyways.
Im short
Who gives a fuck.
im burnt black
Become world champ at hide and seek.
and 40 pounds overweight
Go work out!!
Run outside, that shit is free!!
Don’t trust your neighbor hood, find a track. Even my home town had a track, place was more mexican than mexican.
I’m sorry, but what exactly is the problem again?
Life is hard, it just is. Not everyone you meet is going to like you. Waaaah join the club. There are 18 year olds getting their hands and legs blown off in some warzone, because of the simple fact that not everyone likes everyone.
The real question is, what is it about you that justifies wasting perfectly useful oxygen? Figure that part out then build your confidence off of that.
And stop caring about the people you interact with. Just shut em out-- barely listen to anything they say. That isn’t good advice for normal people, but it’ll be useful for someone like you who’s so concerned with what other people (might possibly) think about you.
Wow that’s horrible, you’d think at least that would be part of the benefits package.
Volunteer at a store or something. Currently I’m working part time at a charity shop and I’ve found that it has upped my confidence and I don’t get so pissed off being near groups of people. Also just work out, I bet you could buy some weights or a rowing machine or something second hand for a decent price. Exercising in general just ups your mood so you’ll end up feeling less shitty and looking better which in turn will make you feel less shitty.
Pozerwolf was a male fluffer and splooge cleaner for 6 months?
No wonder you like ponies.
Stop playing video games and posting on SRK.
Here’s what you do. Find some way to make a ton of money. This will involve getting yourself into massive debt. Then when you finally start making big bucks, become the loser that everyone likes: Become that douchebag asshole that uses money for everything. None of the women will really want you for you, but they want that money. Use that and plow several of them. Hell bang their mothers and daughters while you’re at it.
real talk, the internet is the last place to deal with depression.
If you want to feel better, I have a year on you in most of these aspects, except I am trying to do shit about it (slowly) and am about as white as they come (and I guess kinda tall, but I’m fatter anyway so who gives a fuck.) Also you still have a while to go to college. Schools just give you shit about getting in as soon as you get out of high school because colleges want to make more money and saddle you with debts out the ass.
Make no mistake though, if you want things to change, you need to get the ball rolling yourself.
That sounds like a terrible idea.
How come both results of the poll answer “No”?
On the real, not much we can do for you here. You don’t seem to want to change or take anyone’s advice, so I guess the only thing left for you is a life of misery?.
Hey, some people do just that. They have no luck with the ladies when they’re younger. So they wait until they make more money and use it to play women and get laid. Then toss the women like trash. The ones they keep, are only around as a trophy to show off. Women like that are only good for their looks and vaginas. This is how guys that were branded “losers” and “failures” get their revenge.
But you may not be one of these kind of guys.
you need to seek real professional help; shedule an appointment with a physciatrist
if your in your 20’s talking abut how life is hard you will be a wreck when you reach your 30’s
So you’re talking about Fishjie aren’t you?
I feel bad for you son. You have 99 problems and a bitch literally isn’t one.
Heres a teens advice for you.
Put down all fighting games. Trying to get good at a fighting game is meaningless if you don’t have your life in order.
Start working out and running. You aren’t limited by lack of cloths nor lack of freedom. Do it. Anyone who laughs is just an ass. (Who laughs at a fat person trying to improve). Shrug and keep it moving.
Do Volunteer work. Looks good on your resume. Get involved in community projects.
GO TO COMMUNITY COLLEGE. If you have a relative willing to pay for it, go there to try and get a scholarship to a university. Learn a skill.
By now you should be working at McDonalds or Burger King. Start off small. With your skill, find a damn full time job. Won’t be easy, but sell yourslef.
And honestly, despite the advice i am giving you, i know exactly what you are doing. You aren’t looking for advice, you are looking for sympathy. The fact that YOU KNOW what you need to do to improve yourself jjust shows that you aren’t really looking to improve yourself. Stop making threads on SRK. Stop looking for an easy way out and looking for pats on the back. I hold you in the lowest common denominator of society. You are worst than a piece of shit if you don’t want to improve. At least shit gets rid of bad stuff in our body. Till then, take this advice, or don’t. Stop being lazy, this isn’t an anime where some fairy comes and changes your life forever.
Hahaha… cleaning was the last thing we did there… OF ANYTHING!!!
Seriously, I fail to see what the problem is here.
He just complained about petty bullshit and he’s in his 20s. He’s no where close to rock bottom, motha’ fucker is floating on that river with no float. He’s fine.
I’m just gonna leave this here and let God sort it out…
Listen to some Hoobastank and Papa Roach, you’ll be fine
I actually love this song. I find it hilarious.
Having a sense of humor is a good start. Learning to laugh at yourself is the first step to wisdom.