Defeating Sentinel... WITH ANYONE


phoenix and dormamu’s keep away game is a lot more irritating IMO
Sent should do alright against dark phoenix as long as he got supers, just don’t let that bitch super jump.

nobody does “alright” against dark phoenix, the closest thing is a dph mirror match

Dante Vs. Sentinel is a huge problem for me, especially when I have no assists, and when he’s jumping/flying around. What liable ways are there to force him into blockstun so you can land teleports? I haven’t found his QCF+C move as useful as I hoped, since a HSF would just go straight through, putting me on heavy chip damage.

As Justin wong says… “No respect to Sentinel” … I’m 150% behind that



What are the details on the number of non-projectile hits his armored attacks can absorb once the armor starts?


To answer my own question, it looks like s.M and c.M, once armor starts, can both absorb one non-cinematic hit and will get hit by the 2nd. While S will always complete regardless of how many hits are connected unless a connecting hit starts a cinematic of some kind.

This thread sure became obsolete in a hurry, huh?

They need to do to rocket punch what they did to Akuma’s tatsu and Captain America’s shield slash. Doing five rocket punches in an air combo is ridiculous*.

*: This is after an aerial exchange as well.

I’m pretty sure people forget Sent’s low B hits low cuz he’s so big and shit. o_O

Imo sentinel is anything but exceptional. His zoning is bleh, if you jab him his assist disappears (much less you know use projectiles yourself), and if you just dash forward and block while calling assists you can pretty much rape him if he tries to jump and do anything. Hell his damage is only ok compared to a lot of the cast to be honest. Imo only things he has going for him is random herp derp super armor, solid assist, unfly, and j. B/S. There are many characters that give him loads of problem.

I’m so on the fence about this. I’m running Dante/Sent + Assist, and I often consider replacing the robot with someone who’s proven to be an effective character on point. But then I get in the lab and fuck with Sentinel, and I convince myself that he really does have alot going for him. He has some nasty strike/throw mixups, and he can run some tricky left/right fly mixups. His air normals are very well designed, and allow him to play a legit footsies game off the ground. He’s one of the few characters who can call assists from the top of the screen. I’d argue that he’s one of the most versatile DHC characters in the entire game. (The list could go on, but fuck it.)

Regardless, I’m definitely not disagreeing with you. In the end, none of his amazing tools matter if no one is able to make them work. In tourneys, he has indeed looked “anything but exceptional.” But does that mean he’s an unexceptional character?

I don’t know, I’d say the jury is still out regarding Sentinel.

I think he has some potential with his j.B air control and unfly mixups. Just imo his zoning game isn’t very strong without doom missiles and once someone is in sent’s face it’s just a guessing game where sent isn’t favored, especially if the opponent can duck st. B. I like sent and will probably continue to rock him because drones + disruptor is just silly but sent can be easily shutdown imo.

My problem is not so much with facing Sentinel but people who use his assist nonstop every chance they get. It is so nerve racking.

Yeah I use sentinel for the assist and dhc/dhc glitch, it looks like most people do.

I don’t really know where he places, sometimes I think he’s just totally useless on point and I go/see 10 games where he can’t do anything. Then he randomly domes up 3 characters.

i suggest using zero’s super which makes the clone then shoot as many fire balls as you can

Because Sentinel is a huge hitbox as well as the predicibility and trajectory of his moves, Spider-Man is an AMAZING Anti-Sentinel Character.

Why? His Web Zip.

Web Zip is a move that does actual small damage that makes Spidey Zip towards the opponent (often kicking on the way down). It’s almost impossible to miss Sent seeing as how big he is. If it hits, Sentinel is stunned and Spidey zips right in to beat the scrap out of him. If they block, Spidey still gets right in to try and break their guard and if he can’t he can easily GTFO and try it again.

Spidey also moves unlike any other character in the game and is extremely mobile. A lot of Sentinel strategies go after average moving characters which makes it easy for Spidey to dodge Sentinel and get out of trouble (as long as you’re carefu and don’t get touched, Spidey has average 900,000 health and any basic damaging Sent Combo will kill him).

Try Spider-Man Vs Sentinel. Spidey is a very good but very underrated character. If you know how to use the Web Zip (Any attack button+S) properly and to your advantage like I do, you’ll see it’s one of the most deadly moves in his arsenal. I’ve had plenty of whiny sore losers angrily sending me whiny, cursing messages just because I beat them with Spider-Man and a good majority of them come from Sentinel players.

I’m pretty sure st.M fucks up spider-man’s web-zip. So does a proper TK.Hard Drive if you have the meter

I don’t know why this thread hasn’t been closed yet, at this point everyone knows how to deal with sentinel and all this thread does is remind me of a time when sentinel wasn’t so difficult to play effectively.

Not so sure about that, I have yet to ever see that move mess with the webzip. Also, using Hard Drive is pretty impractical since it’s Air only and in the event you somehow pull that off, he’s usually able to block by that point.