Default Speed for EVO/Tournaments?

Just watched the vids from Evo East, was the video sped up or something? It seems way faster than normal. I hope that isn’t the speed you guys actually played on.

for normal craptacular speed, yeah. tournament speed is free select 3

no… zass said he has an st machine. Free select 3 is for ps2 only.

^ Wrong.

Free select is option on arcade as well. Remember, CCC2 ST is emulated from arcade rom. I can’t test atm but its there.

earlier in this thread

get it?

^I’m stating from arcade experience that Free Select 3 is used.

At any arcade I’ve been to (Chinatown Fair, University Pinball, Nickel City) players pick Free Select 3.

Its the standard at ECC and NEC when they were arcade. I was at MWC 2 years ago and I’m sure we played on either Turbo 3 or Free Select 3.

If the organizer of a tourney wants to use free-select 3 on an arcade machine, no one is stopping them of course, but the point in this thread is which speed is considered as default, and that’s turbo 2. It may be different in the USA, but that doesn’t make it default.


Let’s start from the beginning.

He asked which speed is the game set for in tournament play. He didn’t ask which speed is the default system setting.

NKI gives a link with the rules from the official Evo website. It clearly says ST game settings are Turbo 3. This should have been the end of the discussion.

The speed settings for arcade tourney play in the US is Free Select 3. NKI is part of Evo Staff and if he says it Free Select 3 I’d go by his word.

Wakeupsweep, are you saying that the US/World arcade version Turbo 2 speed is the equivalent of Free Select 3 on CCC2? That is absurd.

If people practice on Turbo 2 and come to Evo there are going to be in for a rude awakening.

Not at all, in fact I previously asked in this thread if that’s the closest speed to arcade turbo 2.

Default system setting is turbo 1 not 2, which, to my knowledge, is default tournament setting. If I’m mistaken I apologize, but it’s been repetedly stated in this forum too.

you’re mistaken.

That’s console, not what I’m talking about…

What is wrong with the DC Japanese version of SS2X?


KINGDOM:(Gotta’ Catch’em All!)
That is so funny! LOLOL! HAHAH!

Best speed is 2. PERIOD!

If you haven’t already seen it, read this post

omg people get it threw ur heads the game will be played on turbo 3 wen u go and select in vs mode its speed 3 always will be speed three if its the arcade n its set on 2 then its 2 leave it at that these threads r retarded people r just repeating eachother get over it speed 3 at evo if its a cabinet then more often then not its speed 2 unless specified otherwise. done.