Excluding special moves (i.e. air hurricanes), in which cases and for which characters a deep jump-in has to be reverse blocked?
I think you are refering to a “cross-up,” or if your waaaaaay old school a “neck kick.”…:wgrin:
OK. List of cross ups that not special moves. As stated by YBH:
[]Ryu - Round House
[]Ken - Forward
[]Chun Li - Forward
[]Guile - Short
[]Dirty Rodent (Blanka) - Short & Feirce
[]Zangief - Body Splash
[]Dhalsim - Round House Drill *
[]Honda - Round House & Body Splash
[]Hawk - Forward & Body Splash
[]Fei Long - Forward
[]Cammy- Short
[]Damn Jamacian (DJ) - Forward & Round House
[]BOxer - Fierce*
[]Claw - None (Wall dive only.)
[]Sagat - Foward
[*]Dictator - Forward & Round House
- = Special Conditions apply
O.Chars. Not 100% on these. I am gonig off of memory (I am at work), confirmation from anybody would be great.
[]Ryu - Round House
[]Ken - Round House
[]Chun Li - Forward
[]Guile - None
[]Dirty Rodent - Feirce
[]Zangief - Body Splash
[]Dhalsim - NOne
[]Honda - Body Splash
[]Hawk - Forward & Body Splash
[]Fei Long - Forward & Round house (Edit: master bigode)
[]Cammy- Short
[]Damn Jamacian (DJ) - Forward & Round House
[]BOxer - Fierce
[]Claw - None (Wall dive only.)
[]Sagat - None
[*]Dictator - Forward & Round House
Thanks, but my question wasn’t “which jump-in can cross-up”.
My doubt is: which jump-in - that leads to a cross-up - had to be reverse blocked?
An example: depending on the jump deepness, Dj jump-in with medium kick - that leads to a cross-up - has to be reverse blocked or normally blocked.
I’m only talking about the jump-in: I mean the first hit of a basic combo sequence.
Now, do the jump-ins of the other characters have the same property?
In every case? With every character?
If yes, this property works against everyone or it depends on the size of the sprite character?
Using a jump-in that can hit normally or in reverse against Zangief should be different than making the same move against Chun Li.
Oh I get you! Thanks for the clarification!
However, most cross -ups can be applied to function that way. There are many varaibles that can confuse oppenents blocking direction, distancing, height, timing, corners, and individual character sizes make it nearly impossible (you have to guess) to block the right way in time if applied by an expert player.
The Slightest change in any of those variables can shift the hit possition from or in back. I think the CCC2 training vids go into this.
IMHO, I think the most confusing cross up would be dictator’s mk.
You are asking a big question. I think many poeple in the forum can contribute to this and its appications for each character (if they wanted to post something). I am not sure how fast of an ENITRE LIST with all characters and their variations will be compiled. But it is a great thing to ask for.
Many poeple unstand the concepts (listed above) and can apply them on the fly. But, I think making a list would be great.
O.Feilong’s j.RH can cross-up.
Old Sim crosses up with kick drill on opponent wakeup.
basically with dictator u can cross up also with jumping jab and jumping short even if because the hit box is little is more difficult to center the jump.