DeeJay General Discussion

Bro you need a hug?

mashing sobat kicks beats dudley’s focus all day :coffee:

I’m glad I could help. :wink:

lmao. And more upkicks sir


It wasn’t bad advice, I just got ripped up right after that.

For the rest. The key to the Dudley/Dee Jay match is getting him to either mistrust his duck or get him to make bad decisions with it. So like, he’s > 2/3 screen away, you throw a jab fireball, he walks forward and ducks, you get slide for free. Or he’s in that 2/3 to 1/2 screen range and he’s late on his reaction duck, you can get CH low jab if he hits a button and he has to take a risk to CH your low jab (if it’s even possible from that particular range, blah blah).

So yeah, that’s what he told me (throw fireball, slide) and that was the plan, in the 2nd game he just walked forward like a man, ducked correctly every time I tried, put me on my back and made me his bitch. It just took on a life of it’s own. After I got beat, everyone was like “damn, what did Mike Ross tell you?!?!?!” So there are some people from SD out there who think that you gave me REALLY bad advice like “start dating Nessa again” or “drink Steel Reserve”.

Good times though, I love getting bodied on stream.

–Jay Snyder

Oooh. I do that to scrub dudleys all the time. It doesn’t matter if you have a good strategy if you don’t execute it correctly.

That works on good Dudley’s too, just mix it ip and stop being predictable.

Maybe I’m late but I didn’t realize that could link after a CH I think it’s a 1 frame link but it’s very useful against mashers.

i’ve done it in training messing with frame data but never found a way to use it or get the CH.

Well, we’ve been saved from anything happening around here with Oni and Evil Ryu being confirmed.

Good shit too.

my counterhit trap is just jab jab strong. It works pretty well.> works too.

You can train yourself to combo off the counterhit, but then you find yourself fishing for it, so it is a mixed bag.

ch into is probably a 2 frame link because counterhits generally add 3 hitstun if they aren’t off of light attacks.

Hey Veserius, do you know how long Dee Jay’s jumps are? like neutral and forward? And do you still know how long his forward and back throw knock down for? and cr. MK and cr. HK? Like frames?

If you don’t know it’s cool.

Jump data is in the SRK wiki.

dashes knock down???

I tabulated cr.forward knockdown data a few pages back when I posted that meaty setup, I concluded it was 50 frames against normal knockdown characters. I have no idea about, but I could do the work if I felt like it.

sweet, I’ll check out the wiki. How would you try and calculate it? and I fixed my post lol.

I tabulate in a very ghetto way. I do the move, then just try to find a move that hits meaty. Then I find a move that is a few frames faster/slower and see if it hits meaty or whiffs, then I just narrow the range down and see what exact frame the meaty is hitting on or what I can safejump. The best way would be 60fps video, but I have no way to do that.

f.throw was ummm I forget, I just know whiff low forward, was a safejump against 4 framesrs. 64 frames I think? I would really have to recheck it right now.

66 frames as far as I can tell, but throw knockdown times can be variable. Using Blanka’s f.throw for example the range on knockdowns is 78 - 81 frames of knockdown(not counting adon). Hard for me to test some stuff with deejay because I’m not super used to him, but reasonably you can expect Cammy/Sagat(1 frame), Blanka(2 frames) to get up slow, Adon to get up super fast by about 7 frames, then a few other characters to get up a frame early. Those characters are hard to determine though, they seem to change depending on what move is knocking them down.

Also Deejay has some nice hitbox specific safejump stuff that lets shoryus whiff, but his attack will hit if they don’t block/try to hit other buttons.

ok so its official. nobody plays DeeJay even after the buffs. The should buff him again lol

hes not got many fans, most people forget he exists lol.
Top 50 Street Fighter Characters -
he gets beat by ‘Gills star soldiers’. hes not even in the list wtf.

he was popular enough to be the only new SSFIV fighter to get into the iPod/iPhone edition lol

That was pity not popularity lol.

Can someone explain to me why it’s so frickin hard to crouch tech with DJ? Maybe it’s just me, but I have much much more trouble crouch teching, than other characters. Before super, I mained Blanka and didn’t have much trouble with cr teching, but I have a terrible time with DJ.

Thoughts? Some pointers?

It’s probably just me I’d imagine. Then again, lately I’ve been playing online a lot.