I’ve been learning Makoto over the past month and a half or so, and I’m starting to play against a wider array of characters in my local scene. One player uses Dee Jay, and he just DOMINATES me in every way. I really have no honest idea how to approach him, especially if he has the life lead and he just down-backs.
Anyone out there have any tips? I checked the matchup section by AEMAKOTO but I didn’t see anything in the spoilers with regards to the Dee Jay matchup.
I guess he’s having a hard time getting in.
Be patient, play this match up like you do against Guile somewhat, but respect his anti air more. His slide will dominate if you jump too predictably. Be careful to air to air him as KneeShot is really good at that.
Once you get a knockdown, just go at it. His wake up game is awful.
In particular, slide just wrecks me. That or if I neutral empty Jump, he’ll walk forward and use a close HP or something as an AA. You can’t really move on the ground on him I feel and you can’t move in the air. Any good ways of dealing with slide?
You’re right though Noocta, I’ve found that with safer setups, his wakeup is so much easier.
DeeJay has a good reversal against cross ups, because his upkick thing go very far in the air.
But it whiffs often against low profile attack, so I often try meaty oroshi against him.
The slide is just something you have to deal with I guess.
Maybe you can fool him once or twice with a plink tsurugi so he does it too early. That might work.
I’ve tried that, but it feels like slide is active for years. I regularly get juggled out of trying to plink hk axe kick, which leads to either upkicks or, even worse, U2.
I’ve had lots of success using sweep in the neutral game instead. I’m getting better at the match, but it’s slow.
While I have you here, any tips for practicing reacting to neutral jumps in front of you? just practice in training mode I guess?
Kara ex Fukiage work quite well against neutral jumps at a fair distance.
As for practicing reacting to them, no secret, just play more and try to remember it when you do.