If you played a high level Yun, that “knows” the matchup, it is very difficult.
Have you ever played THE USF DON online? That’s my brother. I have to play him all the time.
Yeah, but I don’t have any problems against him, and that’s probably because he is accustomed to your play style
How does Fei get around zoning / get in any easier than cammy? How does he “expose” dj’s? I’m asking honestly, not sarcastically lol
Fei walks foward, block, foward, block, foward, block and then he walks foward
…o rly?!
Uh, I feel dumb. That never occurred to me. Goes and shoots himself
Fei Long is the whiff king and zoning monster. A good Fei will walk you down and force you to make a mistake. Cammy-Dee Jay is not as bad. She can’t carry you to the corner as easily as Fei Long can. Once you’re in that corner a lot of Cammy pressure comes from the air, you should be able to hit her out of most of it with an ex JKM. Or just block.
The Fei matchup is really the hardest for me, your whole gameplan is to zone by not wiffing a normal ever because if the guy is good it means a rekka, corner and you die. I see a lot of Feis online that do not know how to keep you in the corner so i can get a few wins here and there, but i have a friend or two that are familiar with the DeeJay matchup and if i’m unable to properly zone them for the whole fucking match, once i’m in the corner they will never let me out.
My opinion 3 worst matchups in no particular order Fei, Sim and Guile. Honourable mentions go to Rose, Akuma, Seth and Yun
Blanka, Seth, then the last is a toss up.
Could be yun/fei/akuma then sim guile rose.
At least the trick with akuma is they’ll always want to do a demon flip setup, but if they’re not air tight they lose 180.
You block a jump in with deejay then you deserve w.e. happens afterwards.
Does it really matter? They all suck, and that’s the bottom line. At least DeeJay has a sense of humor with his grinning mug
Hey guys, I’m new to the SRK forums and just signed up today. I have been playing Deejay as my main since ST. I need help in the Seth match-up. He is so annoying and has amazing tools. I am in a group and we are all leveling up but one of the members is a Seth main and he is killing me. I just need some tips in this match-0up. Also Makoto amazing normals are hard for me to overcome. Any advice would be welcome.
Which type of Seth are you having problems with? Rush down Seth or zoning Seth?
That is the thing Slim, he does both very well. His rush down is giving me the most problem though. I can deal with his zoning to a certain degree, but his DP, SPD, and his dive kick causes me the most problems.
TBH, the matchup is bullshit. The only advice that I can give you is, don’t do anything that will cause you to get knocked down
Against Viper Wakeup:
cr.lp-cr.fp OS beats all seismos and burn kicks
st.lp-st.fp OS beats all seismos except ex, beats burn kicks and backdash
help with matchups that aren’t in our favor. most deejays can beat viper.
you can play however you want against her.
the only problem is you have to play a specific way against a runaway viper.
I really need help fighting Guy. Do any of you know how to punish his elbow drop or his Hozanto? Im looking for Dee Jay vs Guy videos. I only saw one and Dee Jay lost that match!
I know maximizing Deejay damage in that match-up should be priority. Other than that, I’m just stuck. I find it hard to zone him properly because of his wall jump and standing fierce. Trying the vortex on him is pointless sometimes because of every other option he has.
One little tidbit I can give you is you’ll want to use LK upkicks more in this match than most. Typically, I like to use MK upkicks 90% of the time, but because of Seths dives, MK upkicks don’t connect as often so I opt for LK upkicks mostly – and be sure to delay them a tiny bit.