Pre-script: Preppy thought this thread might be a good idea. There’s already a Q&A thread, but there are just so many people asking specifically about lightning loops that it might merit its own thread.
Read before posting
Welcome, Zero users! This thread will be dedicated to questions concerning the lightning loop, especially concerning execution.
Before asking a question, try reading up first! There is good information about the lightning loop in the combo thread, which is already stickied so you can easily find it at the top of all discussions in the Zero character sub-forum. Most information has been condensed into the first few posts, courtesy of Darkhadou X, so it won’t take too much time browsing the thread if you haven’t already!
For extra convenience, here’s a link to the combo thread: “It’s not X you should worry about - it’s me!” - The UMvC3 Zero Combo Thread
Also, have you tried looking at Youtube first? Seriously, just type “umvc3 zero lightning loop” into the search bar and you will find a bunch of really helpful videos that might answer some of your questions before you even ask them here!
If you still have unresolved problems, you can post them here! Just ask a question and other members will try to help you overcome your problem. If you can provide a video showing exactly what part of the lightning loop you are struggling with, even better!
Just be mindful of recent discussion, because your question might already have been asked and answered.