Decapre Changes Discussion

to be fair, they say that they are “looking into correcting them”. lately “looking into” has meant “we are aware of these issues but we don’t give a fuck. fuck you. fuck your dog. give us money”

Yeah how hard is it to go in the frame data on edit mode with whatever program can write on this kind of file and change 52 to 42…

I know coding and developing is hard but hell its just a value, it’s not a piece of code missing or a lost typo in a very long code.

Hope it gets fixed soon.

i can’t really understand how this happened in the first place. the patch was meant to fix bugs and there were no bugs related to the charge times, so why the fuck even muck with it.

My hypothesis is that a the dude in charge of the update was salty to lose against some Decapre and Rolento, so he thought that he can secretly nerf them.

I was about to say the same thing
Someone was clearly rolling him with Decapre

To be frank, this theory is absolutely ridiculous.

It also feels like the frames between the time she starts her light kick scramble into the slide (at which point she can slide under fireballs) has been increased.

Well part of what probably takes so long to implement a patch is getting all of the companies such as Microsoft and Sony to approve of it and let it go through the system. So theoretically while they COULD just go “click” it’s done… they probably still get caught up in bureaucratic nonsense that takes ten times as long as the fix itself…

of course I don’t actually know, I would just assume that is what happens. :stuck_out_tongue:

The fact that they screwed this up, is incredibly lame and inexcusable. I’m a mid-level programming hack and even I can think of a number of ways to implement error checking on the uploaded code so this sort of thing never happens.

I can’t believe they haven’t fixed this yet, what gives CapCom?!? We should all flood them with requests to fix this lol it’s ridiculous

It’s simple. Capcom hates everyone.

Reading the Mike Z interview and how that all the frame data related bugs could be fixed in one day by one person has me facepalming

I don’t know why it’s so surprising. It’s just editing and data entry. Not exactly tasks that require a great deal of skill to perform. I also think Eternal’s schedule is more feasible. One day for fixing followed by one day of testing. But yeah, Capcom has our money and therefore has no incentive to fix shit. Maybe we’ll get a patch whenever the next costume pack is released. Maybe.

It honestly makes me so mad because there’s nothing we can really do and it’s just so pathetic that capcom hasn’t fixed it yet, even though they admit they broke the game

Just imagine when they finally do… we’re all gonna be like “OMG THAT STING CAME OUT SO FAST!!!”

“yo where the fuck’s my jump back jab??? fuck this capcom bullshit man”

I just didn’t patch the game. Not like online is worth playing anyways.

The game is currently run in tournaments and releasing a patch for a 360 game is a long and expensive process so instead of releasing a patch to only fix Decapre and Rolento they are probably going to combine those fixes with the other bug fixes they are doing and have one big patch. It also ensures that no matter what tournament or setup you play on the game is the same. It would be horrible if you had combos that worked at your weekly but not at a major because they played on 360 instead of ps3 or whatever.

Yeah I get that, they all have to be in sync… sucks that it’s not that simple to get an update out on the 360 :frowning: either way I really hope it comes out soon

yeah i did the same for some days, but as soon as you go out and play at your offline local scene, they all have the patched version, and that’s even worse than not having practiced on the nerfed character at all