[dec 5, 2015] new challengers: voltage 3, milford, ct usf4/umvc3/mkx/ki


New Challengers returns with the third event in the Voltage Series!

When: Saturday December 5th 2015
Venue Opens: 11 am
Time: 2 pm - 11 pm
stream: TBD
Facebook Event Page

Venue: $10 if pre register here Pre Registration Page
On site venue $15
You must pay venue if you’re just playing casuals
Tournament fee: $10 per game
USF4 Random Select Side Tourney: $5

Game list:
Killer Instinct
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Ultra Street Fighter 4
Mortal Kombat X

Onsite Registration: 12:00 - 2:00pm

Event Schedule:

Coming soon

Prizes is split pot at:

70% for 1st
20% for 2nd
10% for 3rd

Payout for USF4 Random Select will be winner takes all

If you want to see your game added please reach out to me Walter@rvrsl.com

Rule set:

Killer Instinct: 2 out of 3, 3 out of 5 for WF/LF/GF, Double Elim
UMVC3: 3 out of 5 Entire Tournament, Double Elim
USF4: 2 out of 3, 3 out of 5 for WF/LF/GF, Double Elim
MKX: 2 out of 3, 3 out of 5 for WF/LF/GF, Double Elim
USF4 Random: 2 out of 3, 3 out of 5 for GF, players must reselect random after every match, Single Elim

USF4&UMVC3: is being run on Xbox 360,
KI: Xbox One
Monitor: Asusvh236h

Remember to pre register so we accommodate ourselves correctly in our new venue We will have setups separately in the back, so you can play casuals while waiting for your turn in the tournament. Also feel free to bring in your own setup to play the game you want(space permitting)