Debating using Cap in an upcoming tourney, need some tips


Ahem, anyways, what’s up Cap players? I’m entering a tournament tomorrow and am thinking about using Cap as I’ve been putting some good work into him, enjoy his high health, and I also think no one will be expecting him. My usual team is Ammy/Dante/Wesker, so I will probably go Cap/Dante/Wesker. I’m thinking about weasel shot for Dante to cover cap, and Wesker for corner combos/airthrows. I have a couple tricks with this team, but I haven’t actually played many matches with it. Any tips for this team, or cap tips in general would be highly appreciated, thanks.

Also could anyone reccomend a cap assist that can be used in a Dante combo. I’m partial to shield slash but am not really sure how to fit it in a long Dante combo and it doesn’t work too well for wesker either.

idk about dante, but you can add a shield slash after wesker’s otg shot. when this is done mid screen the return bounce brings your opponent close enough for S to relaunch. not sure if this works 100% against everyone but I’ve hit it by accident messing around. just never got great at remembering to use it.