Dear Capcom.... please add the option to save offline replays to the hard drive

[LEFT]Capcom done a great job with the replay channel imo and the way you can save any repay to your hard drive from the battle log is genius!

But i think the ability to do the same with offline games would be excellent,
great for if your playing with your mates or to have quality video for you tube etc… without having to capture it live.

Is there a reason this feature wasn’t added originally?
I’m sure you all know more than me[/LEFT]

Well, they had it in capcom vs snk 2. They probably just didn’t want to put it into this one. No reason why they shouldn’t have though

Would that include matches against CPU opponents? I’d love to watch the inputs of a CPU on hardest.

It might be something that they could add into the game with a future patch. It’s pretty unlikely, but you never know.

i would like to see that lol… probably all perfect inputs

They need to add this option… I don’t see why they didnt

that would be cool.