Dealing with Strange Guile Matchup

Hey guys, I’m having some trouble with a very strange Guile my friend plays. He plays guile as if it were a rush character, and although it seems like that would be good for Ken as it eliminates closing the space, it’s proven to be rather difficult for me. For some context, we’re both novices who are ~700PP players if that helps.
A few observations

  1. He likes to j.HK into sweep (I HATE THIS) and will just spam that two or three times until I make a mistake. I can’t seem to find a solid punish for this, any suggestions?
  2. After he gains the life lead, he’ll turtle and just walk backwards. It seems that I can only get in through ambiguous jump ins, otherwise I eat a flashkick or normal. Is there any way I can close the space without getting anti aired?
  3. His sonic boom also appears to win most fireball wars for some reason- is that normal? If not, some advice for my fireball game would be appreciated.
  4. Despite flashkick’s strengths, I found that it can turn the game around for me if he misses one. So far, it seems that I can only punish it with my ultra or a grab. Are there any other punishes for a whiffed/blocked flashkick?

I looked at the matchup threads, and most of the advice assumes that the guile player plays very defensively which isn’t the case, so I’m not quite sure what to do. At the moment, my wins are mainly for predicting projectiles, which are usually have a 50/50 chance of being correct, and ambiguous jump ins/ gimmicks. Otherwise, the matches are always close, but guile just seems to have a slight edge over me.
Any tips?

  1. guile cant rush …srk jumps that’s it. Also there is a hole in guiles sweep srk…it sounds like you can just spam srk…until he stops his useless play.
  2. walk forward and block…this basic tip will get you across the whole screen and corner him …he cant do anything except chip you with booms,…sweep his normals, or step kick in when you feel safe, also jump in is legit vs guile if you think you have the read. so youre not a newb.
  3. booms builds more meter= more ex = wins fireball, also faster everything so he can do it when ken cant…
  4. eh… dont you know combos, plenty of time to walk in and do a combo of your choice…like c.hp >w/e >w/e extension.

sounds like you cant ddefend yourself then get behind then have to atk…so in the end guile is still on defense…thats hard 6-4 guile …but use my advice

He still has trouble on wake up. Approaching him is a helluva lot easier than it was in AE2012

Telling someone to spam srk who is asking to play Ken properly…

What you need is…

Matchup thread:

Combo Thread:

Footsies Guide:

Learning the game properly is better than just mashing back at him. The way I approach Guile is knock him down and walk him into the corner. I tend to go for the knockdown approach if they’re slightly more aggressive than normal.

Anti-Air his J. HK. Keep doing it until he learns better. Cr. HP is your friend. Practice anti-airing with the training room dummy set to jump in until you get the timing down though. Alternatively if he jumps in and you don’t react, you can focus the second hit of the roundhouse and let go with a level 1. Or you can try dping.

Let him walk backwards, just work him to the corner with a combination of fireballs, focus dashing through booms, or just walking and blocking the booms/random normals he will likely toss out from time to time to check you.

Ken’s fireball game is meh so this is possible. Don’t try to win them, he gets more meter for fireballs anyway.

Go into the training room and have the dummy flashkick and then block immediately after. There should be a few consistent ways you can come up with.

what!!! there are several things i said… i said spam srk, but specifically for the frame hole in between guiles sweep, and blocked jumpin hole sweep…the spamming is surefire execution so this newb can do it…also i said until he stops his useless play.
im just givin him some specific advice to beat his newb friend. jeez dont go around saying im promoting being a useless newb.

ps newb means good and bad…context

My head hurts.

Focus the second part of the sweep, dash in and hit the guile. He will be hurt and not want to call you names anymore

Ken’s fireball is a chip tool at best. Forget he even has one most of the time.

Don’t jump at guile, it’s free damage for him. Walk him into the corner and play footsies with him (see the video above by juicebox for footsies). If he doesn’t play footsies, he’s either jumping so anti air him or you are already in and can mix him up and do what Ken does best.

When he jumps at you, just block or anti air. He is negative after crouch hk so you can press low my and beat all options besides reversal flash kick which takes charge.

Kens best punish is to do close standing hard kick into hard punch shoryuken

no fireballs are your friends throw them out when its safe to do so…he can sonic boom them away but youll show him you dont care therefore you are ahead in the mindgames.

Kara hadouken is love.
Kara hadouken is life.

Philoernic deals with Guile’s in a most unusual way…