Does anyone even post here anymore? Anyways, since a lot of people have trouble fighting Ms. Fortune and don’t know the matchup, I typed up a little something. So… here ya go.
Wow thanks for this. Really informative. So Cerebella players are fucked against Fortune?
If Cerebella can manage to get a hit then she can easily turn the match into her favor because that’s the type of character she is (and Skullgirls itself is a momentum-heavy game). It’s just that getting in is a bit difficult for Cerebella because Fortune can move around so much. But that’s what assists are for.
If it makes you feel better I just played against a Misfortune (and Peacock assist) character. I definitely lost single handedly however I did manage to hold my own by reading your guide. I made sure to limit her mobility, didn’t let the player bait me for her high kick attack, and was patient until I saw an opening to be able to poke at her. I managed to defeat Peacock while getting Fortune to half her health. Not a close match by any means but not a complete blowout either.
As long as I helped out one person I can feel good about that.
All the Fortune’s I play love to take it to the air, so just airball them with Filia.
The good Fortune’s are a different story though, I always get my ass handed to me.
After reading this I think I learned a few things about how should I play my Fortune. Thanks mate.
@KhaosMuffins Can you go into a bit more detail about the vs. Cerebella matchup? Maybe even link me to some good videos of the matchup?
As a Fortune/Val player, I haven’t really put a lot of time into the headless version of Fortune during neutral (but apparently this is the version that people don’t like dealing with) therefore I’m not that good with her/using her to her full potential. But I’m working on it now and my friend’s team (Filia/Cerebella) has been giving me a really hard time. Off the top of my head I’m just thinking nom gives Cerebella issues because she can’t abuse armor around it, but I still have trouble with getting any of that started because I usually start out fighting Bella with me in the corner after she’s been DHC’ed from Filia’s super.
Yeah getting out of the corner vs Bella can be a pain since her normals are so large. Just block, DP, and pray. Other than that, for going against Bella you just need to outmaneuver her to the point where she can’t hit you. Bella absolutely slaughters Fortune air-to-air because her hitboxes are so large, so get above Bella or move around so that the Bella can’t hit you. Head-on… you can’t really do much else aside from waiting for the Bella to do something unsafe. Head-off, you can pressure Bella with the head and then plan your approach from there (or hope that Bella gets hit by the head). Bella hurts, but she’s (somewhat) slow. Don’t go towards her if you don’t have to.