So after playing a bit against good players and watching a lot of streams, it seems like jab pressure is a huge part of the metagame. (Weak punch I know, but it’ll always be jab to me)
In regards to that, what does Bob do?
I’ve looked at it in training mode with Cammy, and Rolento since they seem to have the best jabs, and here’s what I’ve got so far.
-Avoid the situation. The best solution but this isn’t Zangief we’re talking about, it’s Rolento/Cammy, so this is unfeasible.
-Block until they do something else. This is a great idea, but I’ve seen players with a life lead who’re willing to literally go on until timeout.
-Backdash. It can work, but Bob’s backdash isn’t great and in the corner it’s not safe at all.
-Jump. You will get hit. But sometimes it’s a weird situation where they can’t get an optimized combo and you get a chance to get free. Sometimes though you’ll take 300-400 damage off the confirm.
-Alpha Counter. You can do it, but it’s really difficult and it’s highly likely you will get counterhit.
-EX Cracker Jack. It’s invulnerable but unsafe on hit. So . . .
-EX Special Step. It sorta works. It has a hit of armor and you can go right into the dp style followup and it will be safe, but your opponent can manage to get two jabs in fast enough to break your armor from point blank and the dp can be blocked if they know you’re going to do it. (I mean a jab isn’t a commitment) Also since you don’t have much blockstun to work with sometimes the move won’t come out as a reversal and then you’re just counterhit for sure.
-Jab them first! I try but Bob’s jab isn’t Rolento’s, and he doesn’t have a divekick, although his jump arc is the hotness.
So, anyone else have any input?
Also if you want I can delete this and fold it into the Q&A or Footsies thread, but it seems like this is becoming a big part of the game so I thought it deserved a place to discuss.