Dealing with anger

Same, I don’t mind losing at all, especially when the other player is obviously more experienced. I get frustrated with missed opportunities or “spazzing out” and screwing things up when the chance is there.

I wondered what was causing this crap, if I was just imagining they were dizzy or if lag was doing that.

It’s so easy to blame lag, but I swear often that it really is lag that’s screwing up the inputs on a super that you know you could do in your sleep, and you either do a normal move or get stuck in block.

The thing that annoys me the most more than anything else though are the six slot rooms where you have to wait forever for your rematch. I’d rather just be playing in a 3-4 slot, or simply repeated 1v1 against someone good. It takes longer to improve when you have to waste so much time watching truly bad players getting stomped.

Just try to learn from it. He tap threw you? Learn and adjust. It may be annoying and may give you a lot of losses, but it’ll overall make you a way better player.

I get hotheaded when I play as well, though I’ve seen some people with SERIOUS gamefaces – anyone ever see Daigo play? The dude is totally emotionless.

oh let me explain…I am cool with multiple hit throws…and I have no problem with tick throws or throw loops…that is the game…it doesn’t bother me at all…what bothers me is that I play shinblanka (best online blanka i played:crybaby:) he does jumping midkick into the bite throw…ok cool…he gets maybe 30 or 40 percent damage…ok then I play a blanka scrub who can do the same move but once I am grabbed they are able to considerably outmash me and get over half health on that shit…lol mas stick versus some piece of shit pelican pad…and I get owned the dizzy crap kills me…that shit is not cool…you got dizzy because you got beasted…that is my oppurtunity for the most damaging combo in that given situation…but instead before i even have a chance to get setup my opponent (who has the ability to enter 1,000 button inputs a second) is only dizzy for about a whole second…:lame:

i need to vent…controller pissing me off…getting beat by shotos using jumping roundhouse spam…can’t punish because of lousy controller…garh

buy a real controller. sell some old games or something. you know it’s worth it!

I bitch and complain a lot.

Anybody who’s played me has probably seen my rage quit in frustration.

Just gotta take it in stride and translate it.

if you’re making someone angry when they play, it’s just their way of saying GG.

i have money down on the TE stick

i have a temper too.

the thing is i’m never mad at the other person, i’m mad at myself for making a dumb decision or falling for something so dumb and i HATE losing more than anything.

yeah everyone has to lose sometimes, but damn, i just hate losing, in pretty much anything.

Does anyone know the actual stick and buttons used in this? If it’s the standard Hori or Madcatz stuff you may as well shell out an additional $40 for premium parts and get one from Arcade in a Box or possibly from someone here.

I hardly ever loose my temper to a point where I’m destroying property but I had one of those moments yesterday.

I kept getting beat by a Guile I played. I think we played for an hour straight. No matter what I did I kept getting beat by a very small margin. I’m talking like if I sneezed at him he would have koed… just could not connect that last hit.

I got so mad that I started to hit my arcade stick… over and over.

Luckily nothing happened to the stick.

anyway, I decided to step off the game. It was raising my blood pressure and I was on my way of costing me a new stick.

took a little break, popped in a movie and just chilled for a bit.

came back and… yeah, I still suck. but the rage was gone and I was enjoying playing again.

anyway, thing I learned was if I found myself in those moments, step away from the game for awhile. cool off and maybe then figure out what I was doing wrong.

easier said then done I know. I have a temper myself but not worth destroying your property over.

I for the meantime use a 360 pad so I basically get so angry i piss myself on a regular basis. Pretty used to it already.

full sanwa. If you have more question go to the tech forum and check out the official thread. Make sure you read the FAQ on the first page though

I use a PS1 pad that I bought used for 5 dollars. I hit it against the arcade machine about 2 years ago so it cracked open and i’m too lazy to fix it. Also I try twisting it when I lose sometimes but it’s still holding up. it still has connection issues. If I can’t do a super when I need to its my own fault, not the pad.

I only have to ask myself if i really want to be pissed off and that immediately brings me back to normal. Been playing online since 2003, enough arguments over this crap to know better. I don’t smash stuff anymore, It’s just a stupid video game (that i love).

The SFIV Tournament Edition stick ($150) use Sanwa parts, the FighterStick ($80) uses MadCatz knockoffs.

I’ve opted to get the AIAB stick, with custom artwork. Getting Seimitsu buttons and Perfect 360 bat-stick.

When I lose (quite often) I do a backwards tumble from the position I’m sitting when I’m playing. I’m starting to get a bit of air on it. Maybe someday I’ll be able to do the kind of backflip thing Ryu does when getting up from a knockdown.

take a shot of whiskey like a man and beat youre girlfriend/wife


If you have extreme emotion when you lose, then a great thing to do is channel that emotion into MOTIVATION.

Here are links to videos of TOP JAPANESE PLAYERS competing against each other.



M. Bison:



After a loss that gets you fired up, load up the appropriate link for your character, and check out how the TOP JAPANESE PLAYER handled that same matchup vs. the same opponent character(s).

The emotional motivation is key, because it will give you the fire to really watch the video with intensity and to really pay attention to what they did that you are not doing.

If the TOP JAPANESE PLAYER (using your character) did a pattern, try to get the basics of it, then try to follow it in game next time.
Pay attention to the list of moves you saw them use: what basic attacks, what specials, when did they use the super.
Pay attention to the spacing they gave the opponent: did they run away and defend, did they do defensive poke (contain), did they do offensive poke (press), did they straight up attack.
(as the match progress and when the match was over, aree they in their corner or their opponent’s corner? It often indicates if they were defensive or offensive)

If they landed a complex combo and you can’t do it yet, write down that combo then go to training to practice it.
(NOTE: for most effective training, train for a short time [5-10 minutes] each day over a long period of time; this will condition your muscle memory reflexes just like how you learned to tie your shoes)

If you JUST watch these videos when you are NOT emotional, then it’s like trying to study something you have no immediate specific use for.
BUT, when you are EMOTIONAL, it gives you clarity of purpose when you look at the videos: you are searching for the way to BREAK YOUR OPPONENT AND DEFEAT THEM.
It’s like looking at a map without a reason, vs. looking at a map to find out how to get somewhere.

Replace the word ‘anger’ with ‘internet aggression’ and you get the picture!

Very true. I read that in a book called The Edge Effect by Dr. Eric R. Braverman. Bottom line, if you are getting mad at a video game; something you supposedly use for recreation and relaxation you’re mad about something else in your life. Common scenario:

Mad Person’s Thoughts While Playing: “Oh this sux I got XYZ shit going on and I gotta get it handled…life sux… and I can’t even beat this guy at this FUCKING GAME!!! WTF??? WHAT IS THIS CHEEZY SHIT HE’S DOING!!! GAH!! SO FUCKING GAY!!! FUUUUUUUCK!” BAM!! Physical outburst.

The person may be upset about something they’re not conscious about. The person may have a crappy job, but they’re stuck because of bills, or perhaps they’re too afraid to get a better one. Whatever the reason, if you get pissed off playing a videogame ask yourself “What else am I pissed about?” And sure enough you can link your physical or emotional anger towards a videogame to something else thats frustrating you in your life. So if you get pissed at playing SF or anything else for that matter: Check yourself, isolate the problem, get it handled and live a stress free life.