Hey guys i am pretty new to this game im playing my friend and all hes doing as Akuma is running away and hitting me with fireballs. I do damage to him and when i apply pressure its ex shoryuken and run awaqy shoot more plasma and then it ends up that he shoots fireballs and moves left and right a bit so if i jump backwards they still hit me and if i jump forward i get raging demon ultra. Its really cheap and scrubby but whats the best way to deal with this?
U have to be patient against Akuma. If ur opponent knows what they r doing it can be very difficult to get in against him. Patience helps with the fireball game as well if ur recklessly trying to get in u are gonna get hit by them. Cammy has plenty of ways to get around fireballs EX Spiral Arrow, Spinning Back Knuckle and EX Hooligan. also remember neutral jump and focus can help sometimes as well, just remember that Akuma’s air fireball can stop EX hooligan and SBK personally I wouldnt use SBK unless u kno another fireball is coming for sure.
When u say apply pressure do u mean on wake up or just whilst he is blocking?
As far as the raging demon ultra from jumping. If he is close enough u should be able to jhk him out of it or maybe ex cannon strike but if its perfectly timed there aint much u can do about it I dont think, as soon as he has ultra just be careful because u kno he will be looking for it.
Lastly make ur hits count Akuma has low health and once u knock him down u have the advantage. Most akuma players don’t wanna deal with Cammy’s pressure so watch for teleports and try 2 punish them accordingly.
To be fair to ur friend I dont consider his strategy scrubby its just the best way Akuma can deal with Cammy
Try asking in the Cammy Match UP thread for more information
I mean on wakeup. Like ill do a combo And He vers knocked down. Now this is where it becomes unfair if I do something like a jump in or even a tkcs ill eat a reversal ex shoryuken. If I think he’s gonna shoryuken and I block I get thrown and if I go for a throw it will just get teched and the fireball bullshit starts again. Is there any other tips you can give as its super frustrating to constantly have to chase someone till they get a slight life lead and then just wait to hit me with super or ultra. Also how can you make the mixups for trickier on wakeup I just feel like he can block everything, tech everything or just mash reversal and then it’s run away again. Very very cheap IMO and annoying, but there must be a way to blow this shit up right?
It sounds like you need to pay attention to your spacing. If he is really just spamming fireballs then you should be able to get through them. Neutral jump, focus dash, ex spiral arrow, or even just block. You don’t always -have- to be walking forward, if you know a fireball is coming then stop advancing and focus on dealing with the fireball.
Also, his DP is meant to be used at point blank. It’s okay to stand just a bit away from him and throw normals at him if you fear DP. And you don’t always have to attack on wakeup. It might actually be a better idea to make him think something, anything is coming and then just punish whatever his reaction is. When he stops reacting on wakeup, then start hitting him with something.
Also, don’t divekick on wakeup against a DP happy player unless you know the divekick beats his DP. Against Akuma, this is kind of a crapshoot because once he realizes he can’t DP your divekick, he’ll teleport instead. You can punish the teleport, but he can counter the punish with U2.
Ok thanks for the tips. You say don’t divekick against him unless I know the divekick will beat it but how do you ever really ‘know’ it will, his ex DP is pretty tough…
Successful dive kicking is all about timing. Once u kno the timing u can do a lot of different things for example I have a few setups which I use again DP happy players which makes DPS whiff. If I was u I would learn a few learn some dive kick setups, safe jumps or when he is waking up stand just out of grab range but still in crmk range and see what he does.
So to practice this I just record an Akuma with mashing reversal Ex srk and throw and then knock him down and see what works? You got any setups you can share against the DP mashers, it catches me a lot. I’m talking off a HSA not a back throw…
Then only use backthrow. If he’s in the corner and you forward throw, then don’t divekick.
Also, he’s a shoto, so you can just use her BnB links like cr.lk, cr.lp, cr.mp and then follow up with a divekick. Light divekick can be DP’d, heavy will probably miss entirely. Medium should be good. With bigger combos (or against bigger characters) then use heavy divekick in the followup.
If he starts teleporting then learn to spin knuckle or something in reaction.