Deadpool Movie Thread

Stephen lang IS cable :cool:

Whats cables height? I always imagined him around 6 and deadpool around 5’8 (and both swole af)

Yall really want a 63 year old man to be cable? CMON SON. Stop it. I highly doubt hes gonna start scarfing steroids like stallone so he can add like 30 pounds of muscle at his age. I know why yall like him, i get it, but dude is far too old now. You need someone in their 40s, or someone in their 30s that they can make look a little older.

6’8. Cable is a towering monster of a man.

Cable is basically lebron james with 50+ more pounds of muscle. lol. Thats insane.

The guy below is The hulk, and hes 6’0 325 pounds. Imagine his bulk, and lebrons height. You basically need to use cgi to create an authentic cable. lol

He doesn’t need to start popping pills, stop hating on old folk or do you want Vynce Vaughan to be Cable. Old man makeup never looks good on anyone.

Dolph Lundgren would be a good fit, Kevin Durand is another tall actor with decent enough acting skills.

He should man up and pin some tren

Old man makeup? I’m talking about basic touchup. Not a fucking mask.

Plus, where are all you people getting old man cable from anyways. Like hes always been this 60 year old powerhouse. Cable has almost always come off as a 40 somethings, scruffy guy. Kevin durand could work, although i dont really like his face at all for cable. He just kinda looks like a goofball. Hes got the height though. Just needs to do the chris evans work out routine from cap 1.

Stephen lang, dolph, theyve had their time. I want some new blood, and they can do that, because people will be showing up for deadpool more than cable. So just do your best searching for the actor who best fits the physical attributes of cable, and can actually act a smidge.

Is Cable really that old? White hair doesn’t necessarily mean old, otherwise they would have cast an old hag for storm.
Comic/manga/fiction likes to have rainbow hair, but Cable does look like he’s aged quite a bit.

I think recently he was aging too fast and that was reversed. I dont know how long ago that was. Cable is usually depicted as a 40 something male. Its just that compared to the rest of the cast, he always looks like a big older dad. Even professor x be looking younger than cable. lol. I think he was at his oldest in marvel now xforce, but i could be corrected on that.

Some pics for reference


(comes back to see thread is now about how buff people want their husband Cable to be in-movie)

…Right. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here given how this movie will have to do well first for to even really get a sequel.

Unfortunately, I suspect what Hotobu said may well be right: that the movie itself will be good, but that it won’t do well (enough) in theaters (because people are idiots).

I highly doubt deadpool will flop, considering guardians of the galaxy blew out the box office with little to no marketing, about a bunch of characters no one knows anything bout, and only one noticeable household name, chris pratt. Antman did very well too.

Deadpool will make at least 150 million domestic, and at least 200 million foreign. Which is more than enough to warrant a sequel. Deadpools budget is reported at 50 million earlier on. Compared to guardians, which was like 130 million. I doubt it exceeded 70 million at the end of the day. So if it makes 3 to 4 hundred million, it will get greenlit. To be honest, if it is a strict 50 million dollar budget, even making 200 million will green light a sequel.

I forgot who i was listening to, maybe kevin smith, but the rule of thumb said was that if your movie makes at least 100 million in profit, they will green light a sequel.

Guardians of the Galaxy wasn’t rated R. According to you it will crack the top 15 highest grossing Rated R movies of all time. That’s not happening.

Huh, by what logic would that not happen.

This chart says 150 million domestic would put deadpool at the 39 spot. Not top 15

Its a rated r comic book movie in an age of comic book movies, coming off the heels of success of two r rated comic netflix shows, and its being marketed in a way we have never seen before, AND deadpool is played by the PERFECT actor for the role, unlike many other comic book movie characters . Yeah, grossing 150 million domestic isnt a huge number to make.

Wait why do people think this guy is perfect for deadpool? I find the way he talks pre-surgery annoying af. This the dude from waiting right?

Everything post surgery is ace tho

Does anyone care about Wade Wilson before he becomes Deadpool?

(I find it hilarious that you’re calling Ryan Reynolds “this guy”/“the dude”.)

I can only hope you’re correct about it making at least 100 million back, but between the R-rating and people generally being idiots on top of FOX’s various fuck-ups, I’m trying not to get my hopes about things.

By all means, speculate on Cable. I’m merely pointing the potential for disappointment in case things fuck up.

That said, I do have to wonder how they’re going to handle Cable’s lineage given how much they’ve already mucked things up with Scott and Alex. I suppose he could still be Scott and Jean’s time-displaced son, but time travel is difficult to do well even in the best of circumstances. I guess we’ll see if Cable gets name dropped either in this movie or in Age of Apocalypse since Apocalypse is his nemesis.

I forgot his name i knew it was ryan something

I just remember him as that douchebag from waiting

I mean hemsworth and evans got swole for thor and cap

Chris Evans looks bulkier than thor

Would people accept randy orton as cable though?

Yeah, that would be fine aesthetically at least. I’ll have to look up how he sounds and basic acting chops.

He’s always been one of my more favorite heels in WWE. I think he could do Cable some justice. On top of that I think it’d be pretty funny to see him RKO some random jabroni.