I wanted to show everyone my deadpool, and just wanted to know how you guys feel about my team synergy… Take a look and tell me what you think…
I’ve been using my team since day 1 of vanilla, and I’m really comfortable with them…
I do go to TNR and play… But not everyweek i go…

Heres a recent video of me playing online…

And heres a Combo vid

Take a look at my other vids if you would like… Thanks

ive been watching these videos so much before ive even seen them here haha. i remember playing you a long time ago aswell i clearly remember telling my self damn that was the best deadpool ive ever played.

Sick Deadpool. Your movement is fluid and your positioning and attacks are deliberate. Your assist use is creative, love the Dante combo extension.

hey snighter you here

I like the antiair-Katanarama into jam session… Don’t see any Deadpool use that move, outside of accidental input. I also remember your psnname, though I do not remember if it was on ultimate or Vanilla.

I like the antiair-Katanarama into jam session… Don’t see any Deadpool use that move, outside of accidental input. I also remember your gamertag. You were on the online warrior or something. Very good stuff, the fight against Smash guy in the first video made me laugh.

Good videos. I’ve been working with Deadpool a little more and this gets me more excited about what may be able to do.