DEA Agents Had "Sex Parties" With Prostitutes Paid For By The Cartels

The DEA only exists so the government can tell scared white people they’re “doing something.” Yeah, you’re doing something, flooding the streets with junk so your agency has a reason to exist. The “war on drugs” has been about as successful as the war on terror, and all they’re about is killing people, breaking shit, and imprisoning the people they don’t kill.

Spelling atrocities aside, there is no reason why alcohol should be illegal, nor is it logical (as prohibition proved), especially considering alcohol is just fermented food. I leave my pumpkin outside too long after Hallowe’en, am I going to jail for possessing alcohol?
Cigarettes, let people kill themselves. The costs on our health care sucks, and needs to be looked into, but we’re slowing enacting laws prohibiting smokers from smoking near virtually anybody who doesn’t smoke. It will kill itself off, especially now that e-cigarette’s are out.
Heroin (which is legal, and somewhat useful, medically) is morphine (which is legal, and somewhat useful, medically), with added alkaloids. Yet again, kinda hard to outlaw it. Even harder when the first thing the Americans did after going to Afghanistan (before packing up and going to Iraq right away), was release all the opium farmers the Taliban had imprisoned, and allowed them to grow record amounts of it. CIA doesn’t like it when their heroin supplies are fucked with. Just ask the Soviets.

It’s really hard to say “all drugs should be illegal/legal”. Some really shouldn’t be. Some shouldn’t be allowed to be taken without supervision of some sort. I do shrooms very rarely, however the first few trips I had were fucking TERRIFYINGLY bad, and it took awhile to find out how to trip safely, and even now, it can go downhill quite fast. The positive is that it’s literally impossible to overdose on shrooms.

As fun as cocaine is, I fail to see any logical reason it should be legalized. Marijuana, makes sense, given it’s relative lack of negative effects, and it’s health care uses, and the fact it’s natural, and requires little or no preparation. Most recreational drugs, for the most part, shouldn’t be legal. They’re dangerous when you take them without proper knowledge of the side effects, and some are still dangerous even if you have that knowledge.

Either way, if you get to a high up position, like DEA agent or CIA or FBI or politician, it’s fucking ludicrous to believe that you don’t know right from wrong, or deserve special treatment. If you’re going to drug fueled hooker parties, not only should you completely lose your job, you should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. We’re all equals, mother fuckers. Stop this “oh well, they quit/retired before we could fire them” nonsense. They were using tax payer dollars to live it up in a foreign country, breaking the very laws they were PAID to uphold.

Funniest thing I’ve read all day

This is what white ppl really believe.

Too bad we didn’t have the CIA supplying them with cocaine and have a multiple department scandal.

You don’t know that they didn’t supply them.

I don’t know how anyone accepted an invitation to a party by the cartel even if they promised the best hookers money can buy??
I would think it was a trap

Some of you guys sound real mad.

And for those of you, you are fully qualified to work in the DEA as well. Sure you do.

As a result, you fully understand the intricacies of the job, and you would definitely keep the moral high ground, irrespective of whatever situation you find yourself in, chin deep in cartel business.

You need to stop hating and realize that the real problem is this bullshit system (as some already have pointed out in this thread), not a couple of isolated DEA agents that find themselves in questionable situations.

This is a usual media bait article so people have yet more to complain about instead of worrying about their own shitty lives, without understanding the full context of what this nonsense drug war is doing to the country.

But do proceed, it amuses me to no end. I really look forward to the resulting discussion on drugs, it’s never done here before :).

Did some more snooping and found the Cartel invitation posters:

Weed should be legal, free to grow and use.

Alcohol is as bad as coke for the body. Just because it’s less addictive doesn’t mean it should be legal and the other illegal. Cooking and basing it is another case, people without a way out usually go that route, people who in general can’t be helped anymore.

Heroine should be illegal, not as a medicine but as a recreational drug. When you use needle your arteries will not survive, especially if you’re a heavy user. Smoking just straight up kills the lungs even harder than smoking crack. Worst part about it is she. You don’t smoke it your lungs get fucked up and you can’t stop coughing you’re lungs out, unless you smoke another hit. Which will stop the cough until the high stops again. Again people on a suicide route.

Like you said every drug except weed is dangerous without the proper knowledge. So why shouldn’t people be able to decide for themselves what they want to use if they inquire in the matter.

The fact that people need other people to police them or their kids doesn’t make any sense. Proper parenting does wonders. There are way too many rules and laws to call any country a free country. Most countries while islamophobic seem to be using their own made sharia laws to keep people in check. Governments are extremists. Governments don’t protect people, they just rule them. There is no war on drugs, there’s a war against people.

Aww, c’mon. LSD isn’t that bad for you.

Alcohol is bad for the body, thus it should be illegal?

Should we outlaw sugar, butter, milk, and peanuts too, for the same reason?

This is why I think all drugs should be legal. If you want to fuck up your own life, fine, but the second you start stealing, trying to kill other people, etc. because of your habit, then it becomes a police matter and you’re gonna get pinched. Drugs are exactly the same as alcohol in the sense that most people can use them recreationally and it’s not a problem. This business of protecting people from themselves in terms of drugs, prostitution, etc just costs the country money, feeds the prison system (which means it’s probably by design), and doesn’t really help the citizenry at large. Think how much we spend on the DEA and incarcerating drug offenders and THIS is what we get for that money? Better to stop trying to play nanny state and let people make their own decisions, tax said decisions, and if they can’t handle it, put them in time out.

People won’t generally steal to get alcohol (but it happens very frequently, probably more people stealing to get drunk than to smoke crack/smack).

Now the difference is alcohol is cheaper so you don’t need to steal as much, and it works longer than crack. But look at the problems, people getting beat up/killed because of alcohol. Then there’s the traffic accidents and other problems alcohol causes. To say alcohol is not a problem would be wrong.

And at soviet, sugar products should be illegal. All the extra added sugar to processed food should be illegal. Processed food in general should be illegal.

Didn’t NYC ban super-sized soda drinks?

Not for that reason, but it may help fight obesity…

Nope. The Major tried to but it got shot down. Thank goodness too because I’m a big fan of 7-11 big gulp.

Right on, I wasn’t sure if that went through or not. Thanks.

The Drug Enforcement Administration was having coke parties?

C R Y I N G!!!

well, there goes fruit.