Data on character use within tournaments?

Can anyone point me to data on character use within tournaments?

For example, I expect that you are more likely to encounter Ryu within a tournament than Cammy, but by what factor?

Nohoho posted some data regarding which characters win the most tournaments, but I can’t reverse that into numbers regarding general character use.

Can anyone help? This is for a project that I’m working on that will be beneficial (or at least interesting) to the community.

Many thanks in advance,

  • geo

There is an easy way.
But the data isn’t complete.

It is to pull tournament info from youtube tournament vid postings.
Unfortunately, for many tournaments this is likely videos that were selected rather than all of them, so it’s going to omit data.


  1. Go here: YouTube - ?supersf2turbo’s Channel?‎
  2. click on any video that corresponds to a tournament (example: [media=youtube]J2fJiMmFMlA[/media] for a match from “Super Street Fighter II Turbo Random 2on2 Matin In Kasugai50”
  3. click the “show more” arrow in the notes section
  4. record the tournament player/character data there

For the above example, it listed:
Random 2on2 031410

Kasugai 50

01 Yamashin (Ryu) & ARG (Claw) vs. Pechi (Dictator) & Suzuyan (Guile)
02 Prince (Chun) & Nero (Blanka) vs. Nekohashi (Ryu) & Aki (Dhalsim)
03 MAO (Claw) & Danjiri Dhalsim vs. Nakamu (Blanka) & OPEMAI (Claw)
04 Marure (Chun) & Yuzuru (DJ) vs. Roku (Honda) & Tsuji (Boxer)
05 Danjiri Dhalsim & Tsuji (Boxer) vs. Aniki (Guile) & Ito (DJ)
06 GAN (Cammy) & Tencho (Ryu) vs. Yabu (Cammy) & Kusumondo (Honda)
07 Prince (Chun) & MAO (Claw) vs. Marubozu (Honda) & MurasakiVega (Dictator)
08 Itokazu (DJ) & ShootingD (Ryu) vs. Hanayama (Ryu) & Otochun (Chun)
09 Nero (Blanka) & Roku (Honda) vs. Saitou (Zangief) & Tasaka (Cammy)
10 Futachan (Ryu) & YuuVega (Dictator) vs. Teppei (Guile) & HAS (Fei)
11 Seki (DJ) & The SuperStar (Boxer) vs. Suzuyan (Guile) & Pechi (Dictator)
12 Oh!!J (DJ) & ark (Ryu) vs. Kachu (Claw) & Noguchan (Ken)
13 Itokazu (DJ) & Kusumondo (Honda) vs. Roku (HOnda) & Yabu (Cammy)
14 Kachu (Claw) & ShootingD (Ryu) vs. Danjiri Dhalsim & YuuVega (Dictator)
15 Futachan (Ryu) & Nero (Blanka) vs. Seki (DJ) & Tsuji (Boxer)
16 The SuperStar (Boxer) & Prince (Chun) vs. Noguchan (Ken) & MAO (Claw)
17 Seki (DJ) & The SuperStar (Boxer) vs. Tsuji (Boxer) & Danjiri Dhalsim
18 Kusumondo (Honda) & YuuVega (Dictator) vs. Prince (Chun) & Itokazu (DJ)
19 Tsuji (Boxer) & YuuVega (Dictator) vs. Kusumondo (Honda) & Danjiri Dhalsim
20 YuuVega (Dictator) vs. Tsuji (Boxer)

With a little sorting, this gives:
Aki (Dhalsim)
Aniki (Guile)
ARG (Claw)
ark (Ryu)
Danjiri Dhalsim
Futachan (Ryu)
GAN (Cammy)
Hanayama (Ryu)
HAS (Fei)
Ito (DJ)
Itokazu (DJ)
Kachu (Claw)
Kusumondo (Honda)
MAO (Claw)
Marubozu (Honda)
Marure (Chun)
MurasakiVega (Dictator)
Nakamu (Blanka)
Nekohashi (Ryu)
Nero (Blanka)
Noguchan (Ken)
Oh!!J (DJ)
Otochun (Chun)
Pechi (Dictator)
Prince (Chun)
Roku (Honda)
Saitou (Zangief)
Seki (DJ)
ShootingD (Ryu)
Suzuyan (Guile)
Tasaka (Cammy)
Tencho (Ryu)
Teppei (Guile)
The SuperStar (Boxer)
Tsuji (Boxer)
Yabu (Cammy)
Yamashin (Ryu)
YuuVega (Dictator)
Yuzuru (DJ)

From the Tougeki SBO 2010 ST Qualifier News thread here:
you can see that the following players/characters will be in SBO 2010:

  1. 5/2 - Gian Recital at Game Versus: Hakase (Dhalsim), Noguchi (claw), Tamashima (boxer)

  2. 5/9 - Ooyama Newton: Gian (Dhalsim), Kurahashi (Ryu), YuuVega (dictator)

  3. 5/16 - Shirone Chance: Nuki (Chun Li), Muteki (Guile), Shiki (boxer)

  4. 5/23 - GAME41: Kikai (Guile), KKY (Dhalsim), Kita (Chun Li)

  5. 5/30 - Amipara Marugame: Aniken (Ken), Otochun (Chun Li), ShootingD (Ryu)

  6. 6/6 - Gamer’s VISION: Abebin (E.Honda), Oonishi (dictator), Sasori (Ryu)

  7. 6/13 - Shiogama Space Shuttle: MAO (claw), Ito (Dee Jay), Futachan (Ryu)

  8. 6/20 - Ko-Hatsu: Tsuji (boxer), Inro (O.Chun Li), Danjiri (Dhalsim)

  9. 6/27 - G-Com Wajiro: Kusumondo (E.Honda), Yabu (Cammy), Gunze (Zangief)

  10. 7/4 - Saijo Plaza Game Corner: Suzuki (Guile), Seki (Dee Jay), Kachu (claw)

  11. 7/11 - Nishinippori Versus: Toutanki (T.Hawk), K (O.T.Hawk), Yoshimura (Dhalsim)

  12. 7/18 - Amusement F-1 Fukaya: AFO (Blanka), Muneo (O.Sagat), Numa (boxer)

  13. 7/24 - Game Galaxy (US): Biran (claw), John Rambo (Dhalsim), Damdai (Ryu)

  14. 7/25 - a-cho: ARG (claw), The SuperStar (boxer), Yuzuru (Dee Jay)

  15. 8/1 - Kasugai Play Hard 50: Gotoh (Ryu), Wassekun (Dhalsim), Tani (Guile)

  16. 9/19 - Last chance qualifier

9/19 - Final

Character distribution:

Dhalsim - 7

Ryu - 6

boxer - 5
claw - 5

Guile - 4

Chun Li - 3
Dee Jay - 3

E.Honda - 2
dictator - 2

Blanka - 1
Ken - 1
Zangief - 1
T.Hawk - 1
Cammy - 1
O.Chun Li - 1
O.T.Hawk - 1
O.Sagat - 1

Fei Long - 0

Danisen Ranking list for SSFIIX. This is everyone’s current ranks in the Game Versus danisen system. Not only do you get a list of characters but you get ranks as well for even more data.

Thank you very much for this guys!

super nohoho fighter ii x: Super Battle Opera '08 ST Qualifiers Plus Alpha

2008 SBO qualifying teams full list with runner up teams as well. Professor Jones (Dictator) and AFO (Blanka) took the last change spot that year which isn’t on Nohoho’s chart.

Here’s the full bracket from SSFIIX for SBO that year.