Darkstalkers/Vampire series General Discussion

Wait, Demitri lost to Morrigan and Jedah? This is new to me.

Can’t remember if I posted this on SRK already or not, but here’s a promotional video for Vampire Hunter that shows some elements that were present in the beta/location test versions then changed or removed for the final. During Great Gerdenheim, if Victor does a medium or hard punch he’ll shoot out a stream of electricity like the ones in his Thunder Break EX. This was supposedly way overpowered, hence its removal in the final. Phobos’s Final Guardian EX involved another Phobos flying down from the top of the screen, turning into a gun turret which the first Phobos then operates. This made the startup and recovery much longer, probably making the move much less useful. The startup of Pyron’s Cosmo Disruption is slightly different. Rather than stopping at 6 swords, Lei-Lei’s Jireitou EX would conitnue indefinitely until it went off the screen. There was also no pause after the third sword. One other change that’s not included in the video is that Donovan’s Blizzard Sword used to be a completely different move. It involved an ice-coated Dhylec flying down from the top of the screen, somewhat like Anakaris’s Hitsugi no Mai. I managed to find that the graphics for it are still in the final ROM. Again this was supposedly way overpowered, hence the move’s complete redesign.

Not to sound like a troll but is it true that in Hunter and Savior, majority of super moves (EX) useless?

Vampire Hunter is a pretty fun game. I remember seeing some crazy combo video displaying every character awhile back, haven’t been able to find it ever again.

I honestly cant remember where I read it, but theres two “versions” of canon that darkstalkers fans pretty much follow. Version one is a version that pretty much only follows two major fights: 1st being that Demetri beat Pyron and absorbed him, and 2nd being Morrigan beat Lilith and absorbed her. However the 2nd version is the one that has Demetri losing to Morrigan either pre Pyron or during Jedah’s era, Morrigan killing Jedah, and Jedah killing or at least beating Demitri. We all know Demitri goes off to try and defeat Jedah in Vapmire Savior. The outcome of the fight is based off the Darkstalkers 3 Audio CD- the last track has a fight between Jedah and Demitri, sound only. Jedah wins the fight…

It wouldn’t happen to be this one, would it? It has some really interesting notes about the glitches and such used at the end. The same person (TKO) also made a similar video for the first game.

THAT WAS IT! Thank you!

who gives a fuck about story or cannon or whatever

Jojo’s players

Also speaking about Jojo’s, the base engine for the cps3 vampire game was from the Warzard/Jojo’s engine for its time locks and story.

What do you know about the :qcf::3p: move for Huitzil in DS1? He appears to open his arm up, as this big… something rotates around it, then fires (harmlessly), almost like an ES version of his Plasma Beam. He’s then stuck like this until he’s hit, as the post-beam animation loops infinitely.

And second, do you happen to know why Huitzil and Pyron were given alternate colors in the first game? Seems like a silly thing to do if there weren’t any plans to make them playable. Clearly they’re not complete, as Huitzil’s alternate lower body palette is loaded into the wrong spot with some garbage loaded into the correct point, making it look off, but viewing the character tiles with Huitzil’s alternate color selected (go into test mode during a match) reveals what he would have looked like, and does in the PS2 collection. Would still be interesting to know, regardless.

That Huitzil thing was actually coded into the game?! (tries it out) Damn, it is! I found the graphics just by looking at the tileviewer some time ago and spent a bunch of time putting together a mock up of what they might look like in action not knowing that you could actually perform it in game. Thanks for the tip! I don’t know anything about it, I’ve never seen it mentioned anywhere else. I would assume it was going to be his EX move. Anyway, it does look like they were thinking about having the two bosses playable at some point, because the graphics for their endings exist in the ROM. There’s even graphics for Pyron to be in the opening animation’s group shot.

Hunter 2 was supposed to tell the birth of Lilith and fill in more of the plot in between Hunter and Savior. Lilith is sorta playable but due to a glitch that caused her to do only white health damage is the reason she got cut(taking out a bar with the glitch refills the health completely with no loss of life).

You do realize that if they do make a new Vampire game, they’ll probably find some excuse to bring Lilith back anyhow.

I’m not crazy about it either, but it’s fun to talk about with people.

Really dont have a problem if they do. Hope the same goes for other dead characters.

The other day I was playing with the Special game menu in the vampire savior section of Darkstalkers Collection for PS2. Fooling around in the customized section I was pressing random stars, all of the sudden I hear that ding and the laughter. Any idea what it does?

Oh yeah… I’d forgotten about those. There seems to be some kind of text with them when set to Japanese, but it’s all just ‘AAAAAAAAAAA’ in English. Anyone well-versed in the language want to do a run-through and bring us a translation?

Second, could you show those unused intro graphics? I know Huitzil is there, but they apparently removed Pyron. I’d love to see what that was gonna look like.

Capcom doesn’t even make a pretense about caring about canon, and a lot of cases they’ve shown that they don’t even know their own canon anymore.

If everybody who was dead in SF’s canon was revived in SF4 (even Charlie), then they can bring the whole roster back. Or they can set the story just before Vampire Savior.

BTW, Vampire Savior’s story goes: Jedah kills Demitri, Dee kills Jedah, and Anita kills Dee.
Anita is by far the strongest character in Darkstalkers’ canon.

The fact that she is ridiculously strong in Marvel Super Heroes isn’t inaccurate to her story.

does anyone think ono will drop a tease at evo? assuming he goes again? or is everyone now convinced that a new game is flat out not happening and ono is just getting people excited over nothing?

He was just asking for more support as usual. Ono is pretty damn determined about it, he was even wearing a Darkstalkers shirt during one of the days at SDCC.

It would be nice to hear something at EVO, but I doubt anything will happen.