I have never played a Darkstalkrs game before. Is it still worth playing?
It’ll be the PSX version with no netplay. Game is super fun but you’ll essentially be buying a bad port of it with no way to play other people other than at home. As long as you have friends to play with, go for it.
Ok, whats the better alternative?
Vampire Savior(Darkstalkers 3) is one of the best fighters ever.
GGPO? How do I implement that? I thought only SF3: Online edition and Skullgirls had it.
Okay, what version of the game do I want?
That can’t be discussed on SRK, google doesn’t hurt
Youre in for a real treat
I bought the game even thought it’s the PSone “omfg it’s missing frames version.”
It’s playable and if you have a friend you’ll have a ton of fun. It’s a better representation of VS then the first game, which they also put up on PSN.
Finally, I hope that by supporting the title, Capcom will see that there is demand for a sequel/reboot of the series, i.e. Vampire Savior 4.
also, It’s only $6
I bought it. It is pretty crazy, me and my bro will need to learn the basics of the game. I LOVE the look of all the characters. Probably the most interesting cast I’ve ever seen.
Why? I only asked what the best version of the game is.
Which would involve talking about rom version, which can’t be discussed.
I’m not asking for a rom, I just want to know which is the best version, PSX or Saturn.
EDIT: Oh do you mean the Arcade version is the best? Which is not legally available anymore?
Arcade version is the original version aka the one everyone uses for tournaments.
Next is the PS2 version from the Darkstalkers Collection(Japan Only) just as good as the arcade version just some input lag.
Saturn version is missing some animations and has combos that are not possible on the arcade version.
PSX version(called EX edition in Japan) is a completely different game.
Not THIS version of it. Darkstalkers Chronicles on psp and Dreamcast beats the shit out of it.
Any version of D3/VS but this. If they ever get around to it, it would be great if you could play Darkstalkers Chronicles for psp on ps3 once you download it. It is WAY better than this hot mess they’re trying to screw people on. Why don’t they just give us the ps2 collection?
Isn’t that because not all PS3 consoles support PS2 games? They’ve gotten the PS2 emulation within the PS3 to be a bit better so maybe it can run some basic stuff (for PS3 consoles that don’t have BC support for PS2). But perhaps multi elf boot games like DC and SFAA are beyond them still.
I do like the game, although the audio is pretty flat, and there are no move lists.