2 covers + the first four pages:
lookin good!
that stuff looks amazing so far, and the awesome art shows no signs of letting up.
makes me all the more excited to get my delivery of DS #1a and #1b from Comic-Central.com, that’s for sure.
who drew cover b? looks great except that donovan’s face looks a little weird. no biggie though, still looks cool, and the lee cover just kicks proverbial @$$.
to whoever handles job assignments at Udon: keep the same guys working on this series.
Yep looking sweet, Donnovan’s on a killing spree don’t mess lol.
says it right there on the preview…
Cover B: LeSean Thomas
oops i’m sorry! my eyes must’ve flipped out on me for a second there.
edit: but it also says cover A was by arnold tsang when the signature on the cover art says alvin lee.
oops, guess i wasn’t paying attention either (darn cut-n-paste)
The Joe Mad power foil cover still hasn’t arrived in shops here :’(
is there something going on??
I hope there’s gonna be a graphic novel available sometime, cuz my local comic store ain’t carrying this title, because of the low sales of the crappy Viz version.
I don’t see any reason to think there won’t be…when there’s enough issues to make a graphic novel with… :rolleyes:
The printer messed it up in production and they have to be printed again. Should be in stores in the next 2 weeks.
The person in charged of this at the printer plant has been executed with a Raging Demon.
No one is stopping them from ordering you ONE copy. Issue 1 second printing and issue 2 are still available for reordering!!!
Ask him to get you the copies NOW!!!
Now you guys see what I am talking about - retailers not being supportive at all!
to erik
hey erik! you should see how stuff goes on here in the Philippines man. once stores are out of copies (and i mean like within the first two days of release), they never get new copies for us. and i’ve seen what they get on the first day of a DS or SF release- only like 5 copies per cover. and when we ask to order more, they just go “sorry, we can’t do anything since we’re out of stock.”
and talk about unheard of, only around 2 comic store chains carry SF and/or DS, with some of their branches not even carrying them at all. (yeah i must sound crazy when i ask for darkstalkers and they go “wha-? darkstalkers?”)
I don’t understand it, honestly. I’ve never had this problem at any store.
Seeing stuff like above isn’t very encouraging.
All Udon comics and SF products sell extremely well over at Rupps Comics (www.ruppsworld.com). If your comic shop won’t order/re-order it, hound them as much as possible. Make them understand that you want to buy it and that there is a demand for it.
If all else fails order somewhere else. Loyalty be damned, if your local store isn’t going to meet the demands of it’s customers, teach them a lesson and go somewhere else.
You have options.
yeah i wish that would be true. but stores here are hard-@$$, and simply refuse. i don’t have alternatives, either, as all of 2-3 stores that carry the comics here are as such and refuse to order. too much hassle for them i guess?
i dunno, i myself run an independent business and order like crazy for my customers. but i deal in videogames so that might be a different business altogether. but i’ll tell you this: the practices of comic stores i mentioned is totally hampering the popularity of the DS and SF series here. what makes it worse is that 2D fighters are still very popular here- from the SF to the VS. to the SF3 and other capcom games. a lot of people play them, and a great portion of the youth are into manga and anime (and go crazy over them), so Udon is missing out on a huge fraction of the potential market.
if things continue this way, i’m thinking of importing copies myself and selling them. the DS and SF comics, and soon, Rival Schools are just too good to see with a lack of adequate promotion. pity to see that, on the contrary, tons of Marvel and DC back issues are available all over the place here.
Those comics look pretty kick ass. I’m might go to the comic shop tomorrow to get me these.
Importing the comics sounds like a great idea. I wouldn’t wait on it, if your local comic shop hasn’t come around yet, you should take the initiative and order some copies. If fighting games are as popular down there as you say, I doubt you’ll have any trouble selling them.
So what’s the actual release date on DS 2?
Tomorrow, according to Diamond’s website.
Also, usually when the preview is up, you can expect it to ship the following Wed.
yep tomorrow according to my store too. i just got the new sf for this month today. darkstalkers we’ll see if i like where the story is heading
for Europeans, there is a comicbook store that ships almost everything, located in Germany - www.blackdog.de - check them out if you dont know where to get the Udon Stuff