Darkness Illusion

I am able to perfrom the LP, LP, foward. LK, HP moves in other games like Street Fighter 3rd strike and Marvel Vs Capcom 2. But for some reason I can’t use the move in Capcom vs SNK 2. Is there completely different timing in Capcom vs Snk 2?

Need to have full meter/break stock and have another stock/Rage/flashing life and full bar to do DI.
Can’t do it in A.

In other words, L3 only.

Thats not what I’m asking about. I’m asking about the the speed I input the buttons for darkness illusion, is it different in this game?

No, it’s the same. You’re just slow. Practice makes perfect.

Nevermind I figured it out and I was doing it 2 fast =/.

cvs2 doesn’t really care about fast or slow for darness illusion and a lot of other supers. It wants you to be smooth, though.

For example, I can do it if I use my index to hit both jab and short. If I decide to go faster and use my thumb for short, my timing is inconsistent and it doesn’t come out.

yea thats pretty much how i messed up

now try using it in a combo
thne a jump combo