I couldn’t really tell from initial play but that’s mostly because I use j.M because there’s only 3 characters that can crouch under it without using a crouch normal. As opposed j.H that X-23 and Storm can clean duck under always. I only use j.H for the extended hit box to set up pressure.
Dante is still really really good. Just that u cannot abuse him AS MUCH. Devil trigger is godlike and I found myself using it a lot more, whether it be combos or just for mix ups. Triple jump is good. and double air dash is my best friend in terms of the skill known as the “Mind-Fuck”. Even though it doesn’t compare to that retarded zero lighting Buster thing. My friend has been screwing with me with that =[
Is it me or are Bold cancels easier to do in Ultimate? My success rate of doing Stinger>Volcano seems remarkably higher. Or maybe I’ve just not sucking as much?
Supposedly its tighter, and it does feel tighter. In some weird way though, since the window is ‘smaller’ I’ve been doing Volcano more and Crystal less.
Aside from that, I think Dante’s Devil Trigger went from great to godly. The extra mobility is so very nice. Vergil may get some enhanced moves, but Dante still gets the best stuff apparently.
Yeah, that might be it. Nice to finally see some improvement on my part.
Some clarification on Hammer:
Old Hammer invincibility frames were from frame 4 to frame 19 (sorry Nini, not frame 1).
New Hammer invincibility frames are from frame 11 to frame 20.
So he lost about six frames of invincibility on the move. It starts up a lot faster now due to the input change, so you can compensate.
The way I see it (And I don’t have the game yet either so this is stuff that I’m going to test asap) is that the double airdash basically lets you do double probably triple+ overheads/overhead feints by whiff canceling into hammer. Its invincible and its +20 and pushblocking it sets up for all sorts of shenanigans. Also I’m thinking hammer > air xfc > into airdash overhead or low. Likewise with vortex.
Unlike high/low mix-ups, left/right mix-ups can be ruined or autoblocked by advancing guard or turtling in the corner. Its good to have all the options covered while also being able to keep them locked down for another possible mix-up or frame trap. Plus this is an add-on basically. If you do a left/right mix-up with akuma assist and they block it, delay airdash backwards into jM > hammer. Change up the timing and you have a pretty ambiguous setup that leaves you advantage on block.
If they hold up back then they get stuck and you go for cross-up. Having them both just makes you super scary since each potentially leaded into the other in vanilla imo, and Dante already has trouble without the proper assists since people are always pressing buttons and the hammer was his solo tool for keeping people respectful.
Thank you for this I was really curious about the frames. I’m still kind of curious if the hitbox really changed as the height for TK hammer was already pretty high in vanilla.
Another thing, if Dante is in DT does that mean he can airdash jM, jump cancel airdash jM? Or does jump canceling take away your second airdash?
Don’t have the game yet, so what will be the new Dante ‘I must not drop this shit and it is still useful’ tourney BNB?
A lot of the folks I know “mained” Dante in Vanilla are dropping him because he got a bit more difficult and not as abusive. Their solution tho? Vergil. Disgusting display here sirs.
Dante is still a pretty great character to me, still does 700k on a touch and is probably a top battery now. Every time he goes down it seems I have the meter for orbs. Dante/Strider is a silly coupling btw. Vajra pretty much negates people trying to run from dante in one of his blind spots, and you get a full combo from it? ridiculous. I’m going to enjoy the new Dante even more as it will be even fewer of us.
I don’t know why there were people saying that :l::h::f::h: BC :dp: j.:h::qcf: j.:h: starter was nerfed/removed, I still use this. Except instead of st.:h::s: -> AA shots -> Shredder, I just leave out the :h: and do :s: -> AA shots -> Shredder -> j.:qcf::l::l:. Haven’t had any problems with this so far.
In the corner it’s a bit trickier to do :h: Cold Shower -> Shredder, so I’ve taken to doing backjump for the air series or backdash :S: instead.And now there’s absolutely no reason to not use Million Carats in the standard corner combo since the execution is ridiculously easy now.
Also, sad to see that the Dante I played at the Evo build and reported on the first page feels like exactly the same build that’s in this game. Right down to the strange new Stinger wallbounce. However it feels like they restored some of the grounded time on j.S and Hammer, when I played at Evo you had to OTG immediately to pick them up and combo, if you delayed they could roll really quickly. It’s back to Vanilla now pretty much.
The whole point of left/right mix ups is you call the assist while they’re not in block stun. That way they can’t auto block the left/right anymore and have to block it manually. Even if they block it you get another free high/low mix up with air dash M or c.L.
If they’re turtling in the corner that’s even better because Dante’s teleport with assists crosses people up even if they’re in the corner. It basically makes the left rights even better and pretty much impossible to block correctly because he can just call an assist and then make you guess if he’s just going to press buttons in your face or port. Of course you still get high/low or air throw mix ups in the corner also.
The problem is getting the air-tight mix-up that way without them jumping, teleporting, flying around, air grabbing you etc.
What I was saying was, if you tick/stagger into the mix-up they can extend the amount of blockstun they’re in with advancing guard. Given that they do it late enough they can still end up autoblocking the cross-up which is what I’ve seen people do against the standard st.L > call assist air trick.
There are obviously ways to account for this, but really it depends on your assist, positioning, timing etc. Its just not so free against someone who knows the matchup.
I can’t believe they didn’t nerf Firework’s durability. It still cuts through other projectiles like butter. Lances? What lances?
That first part is easy to deal with. Anybody that wants to jump out of a mix up is going to get blown up by c.L’s so it’s in your best interest to stay put against anyone who knows what they’re doing with their pressure once they get in. You have to account for someone already jumping around like an idiot before you get in but once you get in they can’t be holding up when you’re doing c.L’s or they’ll get stuck in crouching frames where they can’t block before the jump and get hit. With really fast assists like Akuma tatsu and EM disruptor, you’re not going to be able to see the assist and jump on reaction once you’re trained to stay grounded from the c.L’s. Just not something the eye can react to.
Which again even if they auto block the cross up, if it’s an assist with a long block stun you basically still get another free mix up after the teleport any ways. It’s a really win win ass situation with port characters.
Another way to blow up desperation advance guards is to just one frame/normal throw the opponent…then if you have a beam assist it basically gives you a full screen 50/50. If they get hit when you teleport during the beam full screen combo. If they don’t block right…even better because you get a chance for a free unscaled mix up into combo from full screen.
What’s the standard combo from confirming with airdash H/M now (on airborne opponents)? I’ve been having trouble getting even an ABC, it’s so annoyingly inconsistent, though it may just be my timing.
Anyone else really annoyed with the new dante? Random shit seems to be happening to me all the time such as the already known stinger wallbounce>teleport wierdness. Other things that are happening are:
- Dante jumps the wrong way out of a bold cancel (this makes him air dash the wrong way too if u don’t press a direction)
- Volcano whiffing in LMH>stinger>volcano (happened to me vs zero when zero was cornered)
- Opponents popping out of jetstream right before the last hit
There are a bunch of other wierd things happening that I cant think of off the top of my head too. It’s not that I want Dante to be braindead or anything but there seems to be a wierd random factor to getting his combos to hit now.
Catching midair opponets with j.C is harder to sustain a viable combo on them without flipping out. It’s as if you need to start a ground string on your opponent to even make sure you can get a FCon them.
I like the additional hitstun on charged air play. Just the slightest charge makes a noticable difference.
Unless I’m BC’ing in a corner, I drop s.C>Cold shower every time.
Sexy double airdash while Devil Triggered.
Big nerf on overall damage.
Just need to know the best ways to catch midair opponets to FC since it’s tighter on timing now.
I’ve noticed I only get the stinger teleport wallbounce issue if I do the prop shredder BC teleport cancel into hammer after air play j.H. If I just do charged shots into prop shredder and then super jump up into hammer I don’t get that issue. Least not yet.
I always SJ up and I am still getting this issue. I feel that SJ up is much better than JC teleport because you keep pushing them to the corner.
Is it just me or do Dante’s Normals seem a little bit faster now?